Chapter 6

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Amanda's pov
I...I can't believe what just happened
I'm on my way now to the studio but I still can't stop myself from crying
aa..alyssa's my daughter

*awhile ago at the orphanage*
Sarah and Gladys looked at each other before saying...
"Alyssa Blaire is your daughter Ms.Holden" Amanda was dumb founded by the news she just heard
"Whh—at??!" Amanda asked with now tears flowing from her eyes
Everyone was silent until Sarah spoke "but Ms.Holden, you both have to go under a DNA test to be sure she really is yours..
But please let us tell her about you. We don't want to scare her and don't want her get her hopes up"
Before I can even protest Gladys spoke "Don't worry Ms.Holden we know our job and we know this is a private subject. but we can asure you we will tell her the truth, and we're so happy her wish came true before her birthday" Gladys and Sarah smiled at me
"I—thank you. Thank you for taking care of her when I can't. I-I gotta go now. Just call me when you need something. But can I ask you a favor please?" I asked
"When you tell her the truth would you call me? Please?" I told them wiping the tears away
Sarah smiled and nodded at me. I gave them my thanks and a weak smile before I went out

I knew there was something about her...
I'm still lost at my thougt when I saw the BGT sign
I stopped and fixed my hair and got out of the car.
when I saw how people are panicking I stopped specially when they saw me
"Ms.Holden!!" one of the crew shouted when he saw me and that made everyone look at me
They led me inside while sayin "Thank God you're here! We've been waiting for you.."
I became more confused and curious on what's happening
"What's happening?" I asked them
They looked at each other before on of them spoke "We think the others judges should tell you.."
And they led me to where the other judges are
I adruplty stopped when I saw Lauren
What is she doing here?!

Alesha's pov
I knew it! I knew Amanda and Simon were something before!
But the more exciting is Simon still has feelings for Mandy!!!
I know Amanda is feeling the same they're just too stubborn sometimes
But... I know there is more about their past
Simon is scared not just for Mandy there is something else
Is he afraid the other people would know about Amanda and him?
I'm still thinking when Lauren came
Ugh! Come on! I'm a simanda shipper, no offense!
"Hi Lauren!" I greeted her and she just gave me a fake smile
Like what?! Haha
"Babe where do you think Mandy is?" I whispered at David we've been together for 2 years now and getting stronger
"I don't..." he was was still talking when one of the crew shouted Amanda's name
She's here! And..... Lauren
I saw how Simon's eyes sparkled when he saw her

Simon's pov
I was still holding Eric when a crew shouted and I saw Amanda stopped walking when she saw us..
But wait.. I know it's still a distance but I can see her eyes are a little puffy
Did she cried? Something happened to her?
Did she got a threat too?
She was walking towards us while everyone is silent
Until Alesha and David broke the silence
"Wifey" "Amanda!" "We're glad you came!" They said in usion
They hugged her and they asked how is she
I wished I could hold her right now.
Comfort her on what's bothering her
Tell her it's gonna be fine
I was about to go to her when Lauren patted me on the shoulder like she's stopping me to go to her
trying to calm the rage I'm feeling, I just sat and greeted her "Hello Amanda!"
She gave me a weak smile and a silent smile
They walk towards where I was and I stood up and gave Eric to Lauren. Eric's gonna start crying so I told Lauren to wait for me in the car
"Uhm.. Amanda" I started and she just looked at me waiting for me to continue
"Can we talk? In private" I looked at all the people around with Alesha and David for them to see what I meant
And they started to leave
Amanda and I were the only ones left
"Wha-" "I wan-" we spoke together that made us look each other on the eye and and let out a giggle
Oh! How I miss her laugh so much!
"You go first. And can you tell me what's happening?" She said with curiosity
I don't know how to tell her so I just gave her the letter
"Oh..." I know she's shock about the threat and then she started crying
I can't help myself so I hugged her

" I know she's shock about the threat and then she started cryingI can't help myself so I hugged her

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She let out a sob and when she's starting to calm again she backed away from me softly

Amanda's pov
So... someone knows our past and is threatening to kill me
But why this affect Simon so much?
Is it because of our daughter?
As I calmed down I backed away slowly and I already miss his touch
I still have feelings for him. I don't even think it will go away
I suddenly remembered the threat and started to ask things
"Who do you think this is?" I spoke quietly
"I don't have any idea but we'll figure it out" He said with comforting tone and rubbing my shoulders
I leaned into his touch. I miss him so much
I wonder if we're still together....

Sorry for the delay guys!!!
Who do you think did that?! Oopsy doopsy!
Thanks for all the votes and comments!
I really appreciate it and I love you guys😘

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