Chapter 12

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Amanda's pov

It was middle of the night and I was about to go upstairs to sleep when someone knocked on the door

I opened it and was surprise to see Simon with Eric on his car seat

"SImon?! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?!" I said bewildered but moved aside so he can come in

We went to the living room quietly and sat on the couch 

"Simon?" I asked again in a softer tone

He was just sitting and looking at nowhere that made me more worried. What happened?! I thought.

"When I went home, Lauren asked questions about us and then we had a fight. The last thing I know was coming out of the door and driving away with Eric..." he answered still spacing out but as he mentioned the name of his son, I looked from him to Eric. I bent down and took off the safety seat belts and settled him in my arms. He squirmed a bit but instantly he snuggled more when I held him tighter. More like hugging him.

"So..." I started talking after a few moments of silence "... she knows now?" meeting Simon's eyes. Before he answered me, he carefully pulled me down to the couch with him "Yes, but can we talk about this tomorrow babe? I just want to hold you close right now" he said

I smiled at him and nodded "Ye-yes of course. We should get you and Eric settled and a goodnight sleep. I guess" I told him standing and walking towards the stairs

I understand f he can't tell me anything right now. But I just hope he trust me enough. Also, who am I to judge or talk about trust? I can't even talk about the thre--

I was cut of my thoughts when we arrived at my room. We're together now right? 

"This is my room. uhm.. Do you want to stay at the guest room? Should I prepare it for the both of you?" I was starting to walk towards the door again when he stopped me

Why am I so nervous?!

"No no. I was really expecting for us to spend the night together" he told me sweetly and I smiled at him

"Well, I guess its time for us to get some rest" I spoke as I tucking Eric in the middle of the bed

I got changed then went to bed with Simon and Eric. Smiling softly 

4am in the morning

I woke up with a baby squirming and close to crying and so I sit up and gather him in my arms

Luckyly when I was about to get up Simon just moved and went back to sleep

I walked down stairs with Eric in my arms crying "Ssshh, hush now" I'm singing while getting ready his bottle

"Hush little baby don't say a word
momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird
and if that mocking bird won't sing
mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring..."

as I finished, I gave him the bottle and sat on the couch rocking him so he can go back to sleep

I'm just looking at him when suddenly my phone rang
"Hello?" I amswered. who would call me at this early??

"Time's up" a voice answered

Not again...

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