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A/n: Before reading this chapter, I recommend you to review Boss' chapter 34 first (in case you couldn't recall what happened there). Because the events in this chapter are very much linked to the events in that chapter. Hehe~ so you can connect them. Anyway, here's an update, hope you enjoy!

 Anyway, here's an update, hope you enjoy!

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T H I R T Y - T W O

I stopped talking.

The meal rustled around us, spoons chiming on plates and liquid pouring on cups.

I'd jammed another chop of meat in my mouth and chewed mechanically. Sometimes Ten would pass other viands to me. I would politely slice a fair size out of it and place them in my plate.

I noticed him segregating all bits of fruits from his salad, setting them aside on a separate plate.

Taka took notice of his actions.

"You don't like fruits, boy?" the older asked the younger.

Ten cringed. "Strangely, I don't eat them. Not because I'm allergic to them or anything. I just don't like how they taste in my mouth," then his silver irises flickered. He half-stood, then sat back. "Of course I didn't mean that I don't like the fruits you served, Your Distingué. I just don't like fruits in general."

Yuta's father hummed. "I see," he cleared his throat and, "Jurina," he called and the said woman immediately attended to his side.

"Yes, Your Distingué?"

"Please input the gentleman's choice of food to the cookeries. Next time he comes for dinner, make sure that there are no fruits in his plate."

Jurina slightly bowed. "Will do, Sir."

Then Taka faced me, smiling softly. Mayuu was as stiff as a stone beside him. Her face was blatant -- emotionless.

"How about you, Sooji?" he asked with a kind tone. "Tell us your serving recommendation for our next dinner together."

There will be next time?

"I am satisfied with whatever is served at the table, Your Distingué," I replied.

He smiled. "Surely the Champion is picky of something."

"As for food choices, no. I eat anything that's edible."

"Well, that's rare. I thought you're difficult to please."

"At some conditions, maybe," I said.

He lifted his face, as if he understood. "Yuta should learn from you."

I had no say to that matter, so I just nodded my head.

"Time really flies so fast. I could still remember clearly when both of you were still very young," he said.

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