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Isaac opened his eyes and looked at a figure in an oversized t-shirt standing in the doorway. She had long brown wavy hair and pretty long legs. Isaac sat up and grabbed his chest. His t-shirt was gone and so was his pants. He lay in his briefs and socks only.

"Jake!" she called out "There's a pretty boy in your bed"

Her voice ignited a stinging headache and he grabbed his head with both hands.

She winked at him and licked her lips all around before she turned at walked away.

"What the hell are you doing in my room Olivia?" Jacob bellowed.

"I wasn't in your room!" She yelled back. Jacob dragged his feet in his room and Isaac jumped up.

"Where's my clothes man!" He let out

"You mean the vomit covered ones" Jacob inquired. He went to his closet and pulled out a track suit pants and t-shirt throwing it on the bed. "I think my sister undressed the most part of you. I got the t-shirt off but she did your pants"

Isaac swallowed hard.

"Your sister?"

"Same mother, different fathers"

He never drank before and the moments of happiness came with regrets and a pounding headache to add it off another girl touched him and he had a horrible headache.

"I got to go"

"Relax" Jacob said "Rosie is making us hungover breakfast"

Isaac nodded.  He  went to the kitchen with Jacob and as they were pouring coffee. Olivia came in wearing a pair of shorts much shorter than the t-shirt she wore earlier. She stood next to Isaac to pour coffee and grabbed his buttocks. Then she smiled and nodded pleased before she turned around. Isaac glanced at her walking away and swallowed hard.

Jacob laughed out loud.

"She'll crush you to pieces man."

Isaac shook head. "I'm not"

"She likes the ones that say no the most. Honestly, I'm older but I have no control over her. No one has"

Isaac nodded then took the car keys. He was about to leave when Nick Ezra walked in the kitchen. Both boys glanced at him. Isaac's fists clenched at his sides but he should expect to see him since he was in his house. It was a mere reflex action to their last encounter.

"Good" Nick said "You are both here"

"Why?" Jacob cut back "Isaac was just leaving so you can let him go"

"On the contrary. This is something both my sons have to hear"

Both boys' eyes widened simultaneously. Nick smiled and stretched out his arms.

"I'm your biological father, Isaac"

Isaac and Jacob gaped at each other. Nick threw a piece of paper on the table.

"Proof" he said "After our last encounter your blood was tested and your father wasn't your father. Your mother isn't your mother either. Elizabeth Walker is your real mother"

Isaac snorted and shook his head in disbelief as he glanced at the paper.

"This is bull shit. What is it, one of your sick jokes?"

Nick calmly shook his head.

"I assure you its not" he replied and his smile faded. Isaac shifted and bit down on his nails.

"Does she know?" He let out as he looked up at Nick  "Does my girlfriend's mother know I am her son?"

Nick swallowed but it was hard to tell if it was satisfaction or empathy. He shook his head.

"I have yet to tell her"

Isaac twisted his eyebrows. He snorted

"This is bullshit!"  He let out and stormed off.

Jacob took a moment to process what happened then went after Isaac.

"Isaac!" He called out. Isaac stopped and spun around. His instinct was to lash out at him but Jacob didn't know did he?

"I didn't know" he let out "I didn't know"

Isaac nodded then snorted.

"How the hell am I going to tell my girlfriend I'm her brother? We almost-" he swallowed the rest of his words.

"We'll figure something out" Jacob said. Isaac nodded. He knew he can trust him. Jacob handed Isaac his car keys and watched him drive off.

He went home and took a long hot shower. He saw missed calls from Alex and hesitated then he called Erastus and joined him in the gym  punching away on a punch bag. Erastus snorted.

"If I didn't know better I'd say the bag did nothing to you"

Isaac stopped and gasped for his breath. He should trust Eratus enough to tell him shouldn't he?

"I just have a lot on my mind" he said.

Erastus nodded.

"I hope you used protection at the matric farewell because that can open a whole new unexpected things"

Isaac swallowed and then coughed. He shook his head

"No, no we don't" he let out and Erastus exhaled relieved.

"Well I just thought" he cleaned his throat "I was sorting our laundry and found your rubber-"

Isaac coughed again.

"I didn't" he interrupted before more awkward words would come from Erastus' mouth. "We didn't" he shook his head.

Erastus exhaled relieved.

Isaac wouldn't and after he found out the truth he never will. They might just not be each other's first after all. He went home and took another shower, planning to call Alex. He couldn't just ignore her. He couldn't tell her the truth either, at least not yet. He contemplated too long as he heard a knock on his door.

Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now