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A young woman looked at the babies in the maternity ward. She bit her lips as she stared at the little girl. Her mother read the baby's future and she couldn't bring herself to take her home. The baby would be diagnosed with cancer in her early teens and she would not get better despite all the trips to doctors and hospitals. The woman was contemplating if she would not be missing out on the best moments of her life, but then again the baby was never planned. And being a girl she did not want to bring her near her abusive husband. Yes, that would be her reason to abandon her new born child.

The door to the nursery opened and new born baby boy was placed in a crib next to the baby girl. He lay very still staring at the ceiling and his eyes looked in the direction of the girl.

He would be perfect. An obedient boy that did not ask or seek lot of questions.

The woman nodded to herself and then she took her cell phone and made a call.

"Do it" she said to the voice on the other end "Do it now"

The following day the nurse brought the baby boy and placed him in the young woman's arms. The woman was all dressed and ready to leave the hospital.

"Whats his name?" The nurse asked

"Isaac" the woman replied "Isaac Sharman"


Isaac Sharman is living the life most supernatural teenagers  in his situation only dream of. He has a caring guardian, Erastus Amunyela, a beautiful hybrid girlfriend, Alex Walker and his enemy turned best friend, Jacob Ezra at his side. Then Nick Ezra returns claiming to be Isaac's father.


He was about to leave when Nick Ezra walked in the kitchen. Both boys glanced at him.

"Good" he said "You are both here"

"Why?" Jacob cut back "Isaac was just leaving so you can let him go"

"On the contrary. This is something both my sons have to hear"

Both boys eyes widened simultaneously. Nick smiled and stretched out his arms. "I'm your biological father Isaac"

Isaac and Jacob gaped at each other. Nick threw a piece of paper on the table.

"Proof" he said "After our last encounter your blood was tested and your father wasn't your father. Your mother isn't your mother either..."

Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now