Chapter 3: Ghost Boy

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(Author's Note: In some places, you will see three dashes in a row. Those are meant to resemble an em dash. I just put them there because there's not an actual character on the keyboard for the em dash, so I would have had to go copy one to paste every time I wanted to write. It was easier for me to replace them with three dashes.)

Finally, after I had felt my surroundings change, I opened my eyes. The ceiling was was black, and full of dark storm clouds. There were two moons, one full and one in its first quarter. I was lying on the ground, not my uncomfortable bed at the mental institution. I could feel wet blades of grass beneath me. Raindrops splattered onto my nose. I could hear thunder rumbling in the distance. I sat up in confusion. There was a mysterious forest in front of me, from which a fog floated out. Above the forest, a threatening castle loomed in the distance. Where was I?

"Hey!" a strange voice shouted, from behind a tree.

"Who's there? If you try to hurt me, I will fight back!" I warned.

A shadowy figure stepped forward. I couldn't make out any of their features covered by the shadow of the tall trees.

"Come closer! Do not hide in the shadows!" I commanded.

I almost fainted when I set my eyes upon the creature before me. It looked like a ghost, but much less transparent. I could only faintly see the background behind them. They seemed to be about my age, maybe one or two years younger.

"What are you? Please, don't hurt me!" I begged.

"Ha! Don't worry! You're a neutral being, huh? That's cool. I've never met one of your kind. Don't tell anyone, but I've always wanted to visit the Second Reality. I'm an inyanga, I work for the Reality of Tragedies, the First Reality. That's where you are right now. The name's Nopira, by the way."

"Well, Nopira, sir, it was swell meeting you, but I believe I'll be on my way now, so I can talk to someone who makes sense."

"What? No! You can't just leave like that! I suppose it was wrong of me to assume that you had already learned the basics of the universe. I don't know much about neutral beings, other than that they are vital to the ultimate balance of the universe. I also know that the purpose of life is to serve the inhabitants of Neutrality for all beings, other than those who are neutral themselves."

"Excuse me? I'm tired of all these absurd jokes! First Elizabeth, now you! I don't even know what a 'neutral being' is! You haven't even asked my name, and all of the sudden, you want to tell me about the meaning of life! You haven't even asked my name, you know. If you ask me, it's rather rude. You should be more of a gentleman," I pouted.

"Whatever, if it makes you happy, I'll do it. What's your name?"

"Dianne," I answered, satisfied.

"Dianne, when I say 'neutral beings,' I mean humans. You live in the Second Reality. Neutrality is the more formal name for it. There are three realities. As I said earlier, right now, you are in the First Reality, the Reality of Tragedies. Just so you know, that doesn't mean I'm evil, it's just my role in the universe. No one here is inherently evil. They may have bad intentions, but that's not because they are inyangas, the species of First Reality beings. I didn't get to choose who I wanted to be. The Third Reality, the Reality of Miracles, is where you'll have to go at some point, if you're here for the reason I think you are. I just have one thing to ask you. How did you get here? I don't think neutral beings are supposed to be able to enter this world."

"Well, you see, I took these pills that put me to sleep. I ended up in this pitch black room, that I've been in before, but something different happened this time. I'd rather not talk about that though, it's kind of a personal topic. Then, I was transported to this place, and I met you."

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no! It's just as I suspected. You were brought here because you are in search of an answer to some sort of inner question. That itself is not the problem. The problem is that this means that I will have to accompany you on your dumb quest to find the truth you seek for. Not because necessarily am required to, but because I'm a decent inyanga, and could not live with myself if I let you die," he complained.

I immediately knew that I could use this opportunity to find out who killed Clarence. "Yes!" I yelled, "Sure, you can come along, or not, ghost boy. I don't care. I just need to finish this 'quest' you speak of. Hopefully, I will be able to achieve the answer I've been longing for. Now, tell me more about what I need to do to reach my goal!"

"First off, don't call me 'ghost boy.' You got on to me for being rude, yet you still call me names. That's a bit hypocritical, dontcha' think? I'm an inyanga, not a ghost, and my name is Nopira. That is the only acceptable title, thank you very much."

"Okay, fine. Would you please tell me about what I need to do now?"

"Yes. I do not know much, but I do know that you will need to enter the Passenger Dimension and present yourself in front of the Council, the ultimate rulers of the universe. Then, if they judge you to be worthy, they will grant you the truth which you seek. The best way to prove your worth is to travel through each reality, doing good deeds to prove that you are a good human. Although, you must pass through each reality to be able to get there anyway. The good deeds are just a way to ensure that you will actually be able to get your answer from the Council."

"Sounds good," I said, beaming.

It did not sound good. I was petrified. I had not been prepared to embark on a journey in which I would have to face judgment from the ultimate rulers of the universe and confront the truth which I had long searched for. I always thought that the day I found out the truth, or found out the way in which I could find the truth, would be relieving, but as I realized I was approaching the destination I had been walking towards since my sixteenth birthday, I began to feel scared. Was I really ready to begin my plan for revenge? Only time could tell.

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