Chapter 14: Nobility's Sacrifice

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(Author's Note: In some places, you will see three dashes in a row. Those are meant to resemble an em dash. I just put them there because there's not an actual character on the keyboard for the em dash, so I would have had to go copy one to paste every time I wanted to write. It was easier for me to replace them with three dashes.)

Someone was shaking me, begging me to awaken.

"Wake up! Please, wake up! We need you to do this for us, Dianne. I refuse to let you be taken like this."

"She's not going to wake up. We let her die. I suppose it's time to say goodbye to her. We also need to say goodbye to the universe."

"Don't say that! She's still breathing! I will find a way to revive her! We can't just let this happen to her. After everything she did for us, we owe it to her to at least try to save her."

"I know that, Turo, but you can't use your Healing Wave again. By the time you're able to use it again, it will be far too late."

It was Turo and Nopira, trying to find a way to save me. The fact that I was aware of their conversation meant that I was not deceased, but I was unable to speak or even give them any sign whatsoever that I was going to survive. I didn't even know if I would. I didn't think so. After the severe injury I had sustained in Phersine's Lair, I probably would not be able to recover from the fight. I would bleed out due to untreated injuries. I had opened my eyes at that point, but the others were too involved in their conversation to take notice.

After a brief period of no talking, Juxame spoke up.

"Turo, there is one way to save her, but it would come at a very high cost. As a Miraculous Bird, I possess a small amount of power. If I used that power to heal her, Dianne would survive, but the price of my full power is my life. For the sake of the protection of the universe and Dianne's life, I am willing to use that power."

"You can't do that! Juxame, you are my best friend! You were my only friend until I met Dianne, Nopira, and Rukni," Turo objected.

"I will not allow you to stop me. I want this. There comes a time in everyone's life when they will need to make a sacrifice for someone else's well-being. This is my chance. I must prove myself worthy of life, and leave the world better off than when I came into it. It is only right that I do this. I know it hurts, but this is my duty."

"I---I see. Thank you. You are making such a noble sacrifice, not only for Dianne, but for every being that ever lived. I wish I was more like you, Juxame."

"Turo, you are already as kind-hearted as I. I know, deep down, that if you were placed in my situation, you would make the same sacrifice. Never change who you are, my dear."

Juxame flew over to me and hovered above my stomach.

"Farewell," Rukni said.

"Bye. I am thankful that I got the opportunity to meet you," Nopira snuffled.

"Goodbye. I'll never forget you, Juxame," Turo sobbed.

Juxame pulsed with a bright, white light, and burst into flames like a phoenix. Ashes from the fire floated up into the air and transformed into white orbs that levitated. The orbs were pulled into the shape of a heart and fell onto my body. I absorbed the light of the orbs, and I could feel a scab close over the gash in my side. The searing pain in my calves disappeared, and I felt as if I had not run a mile in my life. My entire body felt brand new, besides the scar that had formed on my side. A single dove feather dropped onto the ground along with a small pile of ashes. I sat up immediately, to assure my friends that I was alive and had recovered from my injuries.

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