Chapter 9: The Miraculous Gateway

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(Author's Note: In some places, you will see three dashes in a row. Those are meant to resemble an em dash. I just put them there because there's not an actual character on the keyboard for the em dash, so I would have had to go copy one to paste every time I wanted to write. It was easier for me to replace them with three dashes.)

After my heartfelt conversation with Nopira, we both fell asleep. I can only assume that Rukni was off doing his own thing during this time or also asleep. I don't know if crows were nocturnal, but I didn't want to offend him, so I didn't ask when I woke up. Nopira was already awake, presumably waiting for me to wake up. Rukni was perched on the branch of the closest tree yet again, probably also waiting for me to awaken.

"Dianne! You have finally woken up! We did not expect you to sleep for so long. Neutral beings must require a longer period of rest to recharge their bodies. Fascinating," Rukni theorized.

"Well, good mor--- night, thingy to you too, sir."

"Do you know what day it is, Dianne?" Rukni inquired.

"I think I may have forgotten."

"Today is the day that we will cross the portal into the Third Reality. The Miraculous Gateway! Does that name ring a bell?"

"I'm so excited! I mean, the Misty Forest and the Great Labyrinth were all something, but I am looking forward to the obstacles we must overcome in the Third Reality. I like a good challenge, as long as it is not too difficult or scary."

"I agree, adventuring is great whenever you don't have to risk your life!" Nopira chipped in.

"If we are properly prepared to continue, then I would recommend that we get on with our quest. We don't want to waste our time sitting around this burnt-out fire," Rukni advised.

With Rukni's wise words, we took off to complete our quest. There wasn't really a path to the Miraculous gateway, but Rukni seemed to know where he was going. We walked across rolling hills and flat, grassy plains. There were only a few trees along the way, and unfortunately, there were also no leaves on the ground, so I could not step on the leaves for the satisfaction of the little crunch sound.

At last, we came to an enormous gate. It was made of solid gold and sparkled with the stars. It looked almost like a door frame, but without the actual door, and made for royalty.

"Dianne, once you step through this portal, you will not be able to return to the First Reality. Before we go, are you sure that you are ready to leave? If you are not, Nopira and I understand. We will be patient," Rukni promised.

"No, I am ready. If I'm being honest, I just want to go home already. I want to find my answer."

"Very well then, we shall now travel to the Third Reality."

"Wait, Rukni, is it even activated? You said that the Miraculous Gateway was a portal, aren't portals supposed to have a curtain of light inside of them?"

"It is indeed activated, Dianne. If you step closer to the gate, the actual portal should begin to appear," Rukni answered.

"Why is that? That seems kind of unnecessary."

"Well you see, dear, it's because a neu---"

"We don't know, Dianne. I've always wondered the same thing! We should really hurry up now," Nopira nervously acknowledged, cutting Rukni off.

"Okay, darn! If you're really in that much of a rush, then let's go."

I approached the Miraculous Gateway, and as I got closer, a light blue curtain of light became visible as I was told. Rukni and Nopira followed close behind as I prepared to enter the portal. I walked up to the portal until I was standing mere inches from the light.

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