Bad Touch

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Fandom: After School Affairs (Love 365)

Pairing: Hidetaka x Reader

Summary: Hot, passionate, rough sex with Hidetaka

Hidetaka thrust into you from behind with a grunt and you gasped, his breathing was harsh in your ear and you tilted your head back to lean on his shoulder.

"I want to hear you," he whispered sliding his hand up the front of your body and pinching at a nipple with one hand while circling your clit gently with the other.

Your thighs burned from staying in this position for so long but it was worth it, as he thrust up from behind you his cock brushed your G-spot repeatedly and you whined. The hand around your breast gripped harshly and you whimpered as he thrust up harder.

"Fuck yes."

He growled into your ear biting at the lobe.

"H - Hidetaka, please."

You reached behind you desperately for something to grab onto as the force of his thrusts sent you forward.

He suddenly let go of your breast sliding his hand up and gripping your throat from behind anchoring your back to his chest. As he thrust up again his grip held you in place and your eyes rolled as he slammed deeper into you.

"Oh God, " you choked out and Hidetaka hissed, tightening his grip around your neck.

Blinking you shivered as your vision blurred at the pressure. Hidetaka's breathing was coming out harsher as he thrust faster.

"C'mon," he rasped out pinching and twisting your clit aggressively, "I can feel you're almost there."

His cockiness at your impending orgasm would have made you laugh had you not been being held up by your throat. He flexed his hand letting you gulp air for a moment before becoming restricted again, you felt as if you were floating as he fucked up inside you.

Black spots danced across your vision and Hidetaka's thrusts turned hard and sloppy while the fingers on your clit sped up, the grip on your throat tightened.

"Fuck fuck fuck," Hidetaka spit out from behind you and he fucked forward hard enough to push against his already tightening grip and you came.

Your mouth opened but only a strangled gasp came out as your body jerked and pulsed through the orgasm, Hidetaka was swearing behind you, his fingers flexing around your throat as he shook through his climax.

"Shit," he breathed slowly releasing your neck and running his fingers along the red marks there.

He was still shifting slightly inside you causing a little whimper to escape your mouth as his cock nudged the front of your walls gently. Hidetaka started to kiss down your throat, soft brushes of his lips around the slowly swelling skin as he ran his hands up and down your side letting you breathe together.

"That's a good girl, I've got you." He whispered softly.

He pulled out and you sighed letting your head loll back onto his shoulder.

"Easy," Hidetaka was gentle as he maneuvered you down onto the bed, "I'll be right back."

He assured getting up from the bed and heading for the bathroom.

Your whole body throbbed wonderfully; reaching up to trace the skin of your throat you closed your eyes enjoying the faint burn every time you swallowed. Choking wasn't something you did often but it always made not only yours but also Hidetaka's climax that much stronger, hovering on that edge of danger.

Not to mention the days after were always nice since Hidetaka was incredibly tender and attentive making sure you were recovering after the whole thing. Hidetaka was strong and the first time you had tried this it had gotten out of hand and you had lost your voice for a week.

A particularly memorable moment had been when you had reached up during sex and started to grip your own throat craving the feeling of pressure behind your eyes when you pressed hard enough. Hidetaka had growled wrapping his hand over yours and making you cum hard enough to black out, it had showed you both that this was something you wanted and craved.

You rolled over onto your side as Hidetaka walked back into the room climbing into bed and immediately pulling your body to his, his breath warmed the top of your head as you relaxed against him.

"You okay? Not dizzy or weirdly tired?" He checked in softly, you squeezed his hand letting him know that you were ok.

Hidetaka relaxed against your back letting his body fold easily around yours.

"...Love you." He whispered softly, pressing a kiss behind your ear as you closed your eyes relaxing into the bed with a sigh.

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