Sera's Desk

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Fandom: After School Affairs (Love 365)

Pairing: Hidetaka Sera x Reader

Summary: Mr. Sera has his way with you on his desk

"Should we really be doing this on your desk, Mr. Sera?" I ask, shivering against his every caress. His hands played a back and forth game on my skin, toying with the hem of my dress with every upward slide.

Hidetaka chuckles, feeling his pants tightening. He peppered the skin of my neck with kisses, "We're the last ones here, _______. We deserve a little fun."

My legs part when his fingers inch higher, another shiver coursing through me when my bare thigh presses deeper against the cold metal of his desk, "What the hell are you waiting for then?"

Hidetaka smirks, playfully biting on my flesh before he sneaks a hand in between my legs, pausing when he meets my center, "Shit, _____."

I let out a giggle, the waves of it reverberating through me and onto him, "What?" I ask, looking at him through my aroused haze.

He gulps, fingers playing against me slowly, "Since when the hell do you go commando at work?"

I bit my lip, hazel eyes turning onyx against his own intense gaze and ministrations, "Since you kept giving me those looks earlier," I say breathlessly, nails now digging into his arms.

His jaw sets at my reactions to his own movements, feeling all his blood rushing south, "God, I love it when you read my mind." His index finger teases my entrance then, gauging my every expression as he slowly eases it inside, a breathy "me too" leaving my lips as he does so.

He stills his hand, placing the gentlest of kisses against my cheek as he waits for my walls to stop contracting around him. "Relax," he commands softly, catching my lobe between his teeth before giving it a gentle tug.

When he feels my breathing settle, he eases the digit out, earning a whine of protest from me before sliding in two this time. Anticipating my reaction, he's capturing my lips between his, swallowing down my moan.

His tongue starts a playful dance with mine, moving it in a delicious slide before pulling back, needing to see my face as I come.

He begins a gentle rock into me, curling his fingers just far enough to reach that spot inside he knows makes me shudder. He wets his lips then, fighting against the temptation to drop to his knees and bury his face between my legs. But he wants to see me and despite being the only ones left at the school, he doesn't want to risk getting caught and he's suddenly cursing the place.

My nails create crescent shape marks on his arm, thrusting against him ever so slightly in an attempt to get off quicker. Hidetaka chuckles against me, nipping at my jaw before he slows his movements, "Easy, _____," he tugs on my bottom lip, "enjoy this."

He continues his gentle thrust into me, curling his fingers slightly more in a come-hither motion, and he watches as I bite my lip to dilute the whimper that escapes. "Hide-"

"What do you need?" He asks me with that smug ass smile on his lips, already placing his thumb against my clit.

"I hate you," I gasp out, mouth agape and eyes clouded with the beginnings of my orgasm.

"No you don't," he sighs, that self-satisfied gleam in his eyes making me grit my teeth and I'm bringing my hand down to cup him through his pants. "Don-"

My tongue peeks out at his unfinished warning, nails raking against the very visible tent in his pants, "Relax," I throw back at him, voice dripping honey and sex.

He growls against my caresses, cupping the back of my head with his free hand, sliding his fingers through my hair to pull me in for a kiss. His fingers continue their work on me, smirking against my lips when I still my own movements against him, little breathy sighs escaping with every delicious slide and curl inside of me.

His thumb begins a gentle rub against me, coaxing me closer to the edge with every tiny swirl and press. He's pulling back from me then, resting his forehead against my own as he watches my eyes fluttering closed.

"Nearly there, huh?" He croons with a tease, his thumb continuing to massage my bundle of nerves.

My eyes close, mouth opening on a silent gasp and I rock into his every slide and caress, both hands now gripping his arms in a visceral grip as the familiar coil tightens in my abdomen.

"Come for me, ______," his whispered order is enough to make me screw my eyes shut, seizing in his arms as my orgasm rocks through me. His name is a low whine on my lips, and he nearly comes undone watching me releasing at the literal palm of his hand.

He waits until my shudders subside, continuing a gentle rock into me to let me ride out the final waves of my pleasure. When I heave out a heavy sigh, nearly going limp in his arms, he slides out of me, pressing a kiss to my flushed cheeks. When my eyes manage to flutter open, he brings his digits up to his mouth, letting me watch him as he licks my juices off with a pleased moan.

At my darkened eyes and gaped mouth, he shrugs, "A little snack."

I'm silent for a moment before a laugh bubbles out of me, and I'm leaning into him as the mirth spills out in involuntary waves. "You're goddamn ridiculous, you know that?"

"And you're beautiful," he tells me softly, hand tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

My eyes soften at his words and I feel that familiar warmth rising to my chest, that same one I get whenever I'm in his presence. My hand reaches up to cup his cheek, "How the hell can you be so sappy after getting me off on your desk?"

He tilts his head, taking hold of my hand to kiss the inside of my wrist, "Talent?"

I shake my head, a chuckle easily falling out of my lips as the endorphins still course through me, "Hmm," I slide my hands up his chest, toying with his tie, "I can't even deny that," I sigh happily, half drunk in my post-orgasmic state.

"Okay," he pecks my lips, "What do you say we go home and finish this?" His hands take residence on my waist, caressing my skin softly over the black material of my dress.

I raise a perfectly arched eyebrow at him before glancing down, "You sure you can walk with that hard-on?"

Hidetaka purses his lips, "You cannot take care of this here, as much as I want you to."

"Well, obviously not here," I hop off his desk, taking hold of his hand before starting to lead him out, "but the bathroom's only a couple of feet away, that is, if you can make it there?" I tease.

Hidetaka smirks, "I have more self-control than you think, _____."

But when we manage to make it to the otherwise empty bathroom, I'm dropping down to my knees, taking him into my mouth and making him see galaxies behind his eyes as my name falls off his lips in a desperate prayer.

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