¤ Min Yoongi I ¤

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The clicking of my heels could be the only thing heard during the late night halls of the studio building. Dance rooms for dancers and recording studios for musicians were available in this building. Thankfully the building is open 24 hours and I tend to use one of the dance studios to practice when nobody is around so that no eyes are peeping.

The silent rooms fill my heart with bliss that nobody will come to disturb me or try and catch a sneaky glance when I'm not looking, but all too soon the bliss is snatched away. I could feel the frown form upon my face as I see a light on in one of the recording studios that's not that far away from my dance studio. Tiptoeing over to the door, I try and see through the foggy glass to see if anyone is in there in hope that maybe someone just forgot to switch off the light, but I cannot see through the door. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and peer around it only to see a lone man sitting in the chair, leaning on the desk and staring at me peering round.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I thought no one was in here!" I gasp in fright.

My hope had gathered too quickly and to actually see someone was rather frightening.

"It's okay."

He looks away from me to look at the mixer in front of him. Then recognition suddenly sets into me that I've seen this guy before.

"Min Yoongi isn't it?" I ask while stepping into the room.

I push the door closed till I hear the click of the door to know that I've fully closed it.

"That's me," he mumbles without looking up.

Despite that he isn't saying much, his aura is drawing me into him like a fish on bait which causes me to take a step into the room.

"I'm (Your name)."

"I know who you are," he replies but sounds agitated.

Not knowing what I've done to cause the irritation, I take a step back to the door and begin to think it might be better to leave the man alone.

"S-sorry... I'll go," I say quietly and softly.

Just as I turned to the door to leave the room he stops me with two simple words.

"No, stay."

Gulping in surprise I let go of the door handle and turn around slowly to see that he hasn't stopped doing whatever he's doing to the mixer. Min Yoongi from BTS is well known for not liking being disturbed, so since I had disturbed him but he's asking me to stay was a bit of a shock.

"There is something troubling you."


I didn't say anything, but stare into the side of his face like the side of his face is telling me the answers as to why he's said such a statement. Although he isn't wrong, I just never thought it was that easy to guess.

"How do you know?" I whisper.

"It's written in your body language and the way you speak."

He talks like a therapist and I'm captured by his skill of sensing when something is wrong.

"I don't want to waste your time."

"You're not, I'm done here anyway, if you hadn't come in I was just going to go home."

Not once does his eyes leave the mixer even when he's done fiddling about with it and leans back in the chair.

"Take a seat," he commands and I immediately walk over to the sofa that's placed behind him.

Nervously sitting down, I allow my bag to fall off my shoulder and to land in a heap on the sofa, then he turns around but doesn't look at me.

"I know who you are from the man you're dating."

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