¤ Kim Taehyung II ¤

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I know she is going to be here and my eyes scan the crowd of mingled bodies that are drinking, chatting and annoyingly blocking my sight of her; if she is here. I've been stood, leaning against the bar of this party for the last half an hour without my eyes landing on their prize.

The soft background music, decent lighting and glamours outfits invade the open space of the mansion. Masks of all colours, shapes and styles are upon each and everybody's face to cover up their identity - even if they are talking to people they already know. My face is also covered by a glitter infested mask that every now and then sends a spec of glitter into my eye.

My band members are also here, but I've not seen one of them for the last half an hour and I can only imagine that they have found the company of a woman for the night. This frustrates me thinking that Jimin or Jungkook have found a woman and is now in a vacant room being pleasured in all sorts of ways.

I'm not saying that getting laid is my goal tonight, but I've finally found the courage (thanks to a few glasses of booze) to make a move on the lady I've been seeking for quite some time.

Hushed giggles attract my attention to a group of ladies that are hovering just a few feet away from me down the bar. All of them are eye fucking me with flushed faces and ludicrous thoughts, probably, running through their mind. With a roll of my eyes, I continue to look through the crowd in the hope she's finally made an appearance.

However, to my annoyance, Jimin has emerged from the crowd and is looking pleased more than ever. His collar is in a complete mess without the tie he was wearing earlier, which makes me notice, he doesn't have his blazer on either. Lipstick marks are scattered all around his neck and his hair looks like he's just walked through a tornado.

Grunting, I look away from him to avoid eye contact but that is already too late, he knows I've seen him.

"Ah man, what a party," he comments with a smug look written across his face.

The ladies that are grouped at the bar have also turned their attention to Jimin and are sighing with comments about the lady he was with must be a whore. It makes me laugh though if I had approached them and asked one of them to lay with me, I'm pretty sure one of them would. I'm not being full of myself saying that any woman would lay with me, it's more of who I am is why one of them would - they'd get to say that they've slept with Kim Taehyung from BTS. Besides, the girl that Jimin slept with is someone he is interested in and he's been sleeping with her for quite some time, but he's not claimed her because... well... he can't, he's too busy.

Having not responded to Jimin he instead orders himself a drink. Well, two drinks by the sound of it.

"Why not just pick up any woman and sleep with them? (Your name) obviously didn't come so you may as well just have fun and let loose."

Clenching my teeth it occurs to me she simply may have not turned up. She didn't tell me if she was for definite coming to this party so I may be just wasting my time looking for her.

Next thing I know I have a small glass being shoved into my hand, attracting my attention to it, to see that Jimin has bought me a shot of liquor.

"Drink it," he states, "it might make you relax for tonight."

And with that, he's left my side and taken the two drinks, that I heard him order, away with him back to wherever he came from.

I'm left with nothing to do but stare at my reflection in the glass of liquor. With a deep sigh, I gulp the shot down and place the glass back onto the counter of the bar. My face retorts in bitterness at the overwhelming taste.

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