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"Father! Father!" A young prince Tom was trying to push his way through the kingdom's medical staff. As soon as he got close, though, he was grabbed by one of the doctors and held back.

"I command you to let me see him!" The young prince cried out, but the doctor did not loosen his grip.

"Let him come here." The king said in a weak yet commanding voice from his death bed. 

The king had been sick for many years but it seemed that his time had finally come. Tom was fighting back tears, he would now be orphaned. His mother had passed away when he was 5, and now his father would pass away when he is 15. Tom knew that he couldn't let the tears fall, he couldn't let his father have his last look at him being a mental breakdown. He tooked a deep breath and walked over to the king. His father reached out his hand, Tom gently grabbing it. 

"Son, you shall be the new king." His father spoke, his voice the clearest it had been in years. 

"But father, what if I can't handle it?" The soon-to-be-king replied, his voice slightly cracking. 

The king squeezed Tom's hand. "I know you will be able to."

And with that, the king took his last breath. The new king couldn't hold it in any longer and collasped at his father's side, sobbing. After about an hour, Tom's best friend put his hand on his shoulder. Tom looked up at him, his blue eyes wet with tears. Tom had to wear blue contacts so the kingdom never knew of his black eyes. The kingdom believed that it was curse to have black eyes, so his father made sure to hide it. Tom also had his natural spiking, but his father had made him have it slicked back into a long ponytail, so it would look more proper. He is royalty after all. 

"Come. We must prepare you for the crowning ceremony." His purple cloaked friend said, his voice soft but firm, which was unusual due to the fact that he was usually extremely cheery. It was a rare sight to see him be serious, but he would do it for his best friend.

Tom dried his eyes, standing up, seeming short compared to his very tall friend. The new king was quite tall, but his friend had some ridiculous height. "Of course, Matt."

TomTord King x Thief AUWhere stories live. Discover now