Chapter 7

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It was one of those nights again. Tord was sitting at the top of the abandoned construction sight, wishing that he would just fall off and never wake up. He had failed. Failed to stay safe, like Edd told him to. Failed to defeat The King, like El had told him to. And worst of all, the thing that made him wish that the structure would collapse, he had failed to get money for Alannah. He banged his head on the beam, fuming. He hated The King. He hated himself. He hated the world. Looking down, he wondered what would happen if he jumped. If he was gone from this world. He wondered if he would have the guts to do it. If anyone would even care. He knew that Edd would care, for a while at least, but he would get over it. People always die, and people always forget about them. 

Suddenly, she came flooding back into his memories. 

"Tordie! Tordie! Get up, dad's finally taking us to the shop!" Tori squealed, pulling her older brother out of bed and shouting at him to hurry up. 

"Tordie! Look at all those cool things!" The two siblings were wondering the shop, looking at all the strange objects in the glass cabinets.

"Tordie, is dad a bad guy?" Tord was holding his little sister in an attempt to calm her down after she had just seen dad kill another man for the first time.

"Tordie, am I going to die?"  The Norwegian boy was cradling Tori in his arms, not able to distinguish who's blood belonged to who. 

Tord finally managed to shake himself out of it. He hated going there. He just had to forget her. Lock her back into that cell deep in his mind so the memories wouldn't consume again. He had to be strong. The teen knew from experience that if you're weak, you'll have hell to pay. And he did pay. He truly, truly did pay.

"Tom! You idiot!" The ginger screeched, flipping Tom's desk in the process. "I told you you were too distracted, I told you to take a break, and I told you not to be a bloody idiot!"

The King flinched. He hated when Matt would get like this. It was absolutely terrifying. 

"Matt, I told you, I'm sorry!" Tom said louder then expected under Matt's glare.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" Tom realizes how much of a mistake it was for him to say anything. "You could have died!" Matt's voice breaks, "I-I don't know what I would d-do if you...."

He trails off, the unspoken words haunting the room. Tom knows that he needs to comfort his friend.

"Matt, I'll take a break," The King says in his most comforting voice.

The ginger relaxes slighting, "I don't you want you back here for at least a day, got it?"

"Got it."

The Norwegian boy had left the structure a while ago, and had been pacing the town for hours. He had no clue what to do with himself. What to do with all his guilt. He was about to just go back home and deal with Edd when he heard a familiar voice.

"Just the guy I was looking for," Tord turned around to see Tom dismounting a horse.

"And why were you looking for me?" Tord retorted.

"Well I got kicked out of the house for 2 days and you're the only one I know here. So, show me around?"

The Norwegian had to take a moment to reply. This entire interaction was so..... weird. Obviously, he should say no. He should go home to his room mate. He should not be showing an absolute stranger around town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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