Chapter 2

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The Devil returned to the slums, carrying his stash. He knew that he didn't have to worry about being captured because no guards would ever dare to come to a place as disgusting as this. The homes all were made of rotting wood, some missing things like doors and windows. The streets were covered in who-knows-what, it was better not to think about it. Rodents ran everywhere, taking the food of anyone who didn't defend it well enough. While the slums were revolting to the snobs and the royals, it was home to the 16 year old boy, who became much more relaxed when he returned. Even though he had been doing this for 3 years now, he still felt slightly scared whenever he when out. He had never felt bad taking the money from the snobs, once even stealing from a royal who happened to be in a shop he was robbing. The Norwegian believed that the snobs didn't deserve the money as much as he did, taking it from them probably didn't even do a dent to their wealth while one of their jewels was worth the same as the life earnings of someone from the slums. He had also been giving the money to other people in the slums who needed it because shortly after his debut 3 years ago he realized that he was making too much money from all the stealing. This had earned him the nickname "Robin Hood" from people who lived in the slums. 

The Norwegian walked to the dealer shop, whistling. The boy was pleased with the amount he had stolen and the thrill of it all. Not many knew about this location, but Tord did due to his father bringing him and his younger sister, Tori, here many times to make deals when he was a child.  He entered the shop, waving to the shop owner, Paul. 

"What do ya' got today boy?" Paul said, smoking his signature cigar. He handed Tord one too as the Norwegian walked to the counter, carrying his load. "You can take off the mask too, ya' know. Or does it make you look cool?" The thick eyebrowed man teased. 

Tord's face went red with embarrassment, which was thankfully hidden by his mask which he took off when his face cooled down, his hair horns flying up. Paul laughed, ruffling the teenager's hair. The Norwegian put the cigar that the dealer handed him in his mouth, quickly swipping it across the wooden counter to light it then taking a puff. Tord had known Paul since he was a kid, meeting him because of his father, but he had become much closer with him and his boyfriend, Patryk, after becoming The Devil. Boy, did he love that nickname. Paul had taught him how to smoke a cigar and use a gun and Patryk had taught the thief how to use a knife and gave him lessons in hand-to-hand combat. The large eyebrowed man had taught Tord some basic punches but Patryk really taught Tord how to fight. The teenager thought of the two men like second fathers to him and they were the only people that he trusted besides Edd. After the day at his old job, he became even more untrusting. The only people who knew of his identity was those 3 and he planned to keep it that way. 

Patryk walked in though the door behind the counter, leaning down and giving Paul a kiss on the cheek. The boy made a disgusted face, but deep down he longed for someone who did that to him. Tord mentally slapped himself for thinking him. 

'I don't need a boyfriend. And I would be a top anyway!' The Norwegian mentally scolded himself. But these were lies too.

"Hey, earth to Tord." Paul shouted, waving the bag of the items Tord had traded for in front of his face. 

Tord suddenly looked up and snatched the bag, handing his stash to the Paul. He waved to the two man as he left, physically slapping himself as he was out their sight.

'Why do I keep on thinking about having a boyfriend?!' He thought, furious at himself. 

The 16 year old finally managed to push those thoughts out of his mind as he put his mask back on, entering the houses area of the slums and leaving the dealer area. He opened his bag that he had traded his father figures for, grabbing the medicine. He stopped by a house about 2 roads away from his and knocked on the door. After a moment, a woman in her late thirties opened the door holding two babies who were crying loudly. 

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