Chapter 6

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I really wish I knew how to draw because I really want to draw how Tom and Tord look in this au but idk howwwwwww

He swung his sword, attempting to do his signature move of hitting the legs. "Attempt" because as he was knocked off his feet and layed on the ground, he realized that he missed. He never missed, this was his signature move after all! But-

"Your highness!" His training partner, his best friend Matt's sister Matilda, rushes over to him, offering his hand to help up the young king. Tom politely waves the hand away, standing up independently.  

"I suggest you take a break from training, sir." Matilda hesitantly suggests after a pause.

This causes Tom to almost seethe in anger, but thankfully  he manages to keep his voice relatively calm. "I'm fine."

They go back to training despite the ginger's protests. It soon becomes clear how much Tom really does need to take a break. But he just took a break! He knew he shouldn't have gone out last night, he had been acting so weird even since then. What even happened that messed him up so badly? He had just been riding his horse and then- oh. He can't get that little Norwegian teen out of his mind. Tord. What a beautiful name. What a beautiful m-. He stops that thought by reminding himself to get his mind out of the gutter. It's not like he could be with him anyway. Tord is a peasant from the slums, and he is the king. And that is just considering that Tord would even like him anyway. He had outright said yesterday that he wouldn't date him. And he had agreed. He has to get Tord off his mind. He knows what he has to do.

Tom is exhausted and extremely distracted. He knows that this is a horrible idea. But who will stop him, anyway? He is the king after all. So he gets onto Squidge and rides into town, this time as the king, not pretending to be some filthy peasant who falls for another peasant. He has to find The Devil. Defeating him is the only thing that can clear his mind. 

Several hours have passed when he finally sees him. The Thief is walking into a jewelry store, gun raised. Tom slowly approaches behind him, waiting for his moment to strike. His distraction is still there, though, and he accidentally causes a board to creak. The Thief immediately turns around, and when seeing who it is, shoots the young king in the right shoulder. Tom grabs his wound and ducks behind a barrel, now having to hold his sword with his less favorable side. The thief approaches him again, gun raised. Tom breaks the shelf above him, causing the contents of it to spill out and momentarily distract the Devil. He takes his opportunity and strikes the Thief in the leg. The shorter man suddenly is hyper aware from the pain and kicks Tom in the face, breaking his nose. The king ignores the blood flowing down his face and scrambles away, attempting to regain his posture. He does his signature move and thankfully he actually hit. The thief struggles to stand back up, his legs bleeding and shaky heavily from the impact of Tom's sword. The two glare at each other, both injured and, as Tom just realized, unfocused. He puts his curiosity to the side of what is distracting the thief and raises his fists, The Thief imitating his stance.

Just as the tension reaches it's peak, Tom hears a familiar voice. "Tom! There you are! I searched the whole kingdom looking for you!" He turns and sees his disheveled ginger friend.

"Matt, now is not the-" The king turns back around to see that The Thief is gone.

Tord's vision fades in and out as he struggles to open them. He's floating.

"Is he breathing? Is he going to survive this?" He hears a voice that sounds too far away. And slightly familiar. 

"Ell? Why am I floating?" Tord asks, still not able to open his eyes. "Why did you turn off the lights?"

He hears more voices but is not able to make them out due to the hushed tone they are in. Finally, he can make out a voice. 

"Tord, stop talking! You need to save your strength and stay alive!" He recognizes the voice as his best friend Edd. He's using his mothering voice. That's never good.

Suddenly, he's no longer floating.

"Tord, open your eyes and tell me how many fingers I'm holding up." He hears Edd's voice and struggles to obey.

"Uh, two?" The Norwegian says after his vision finally adjusts. 

He hears Edd and El breath a sigh of relief. 

"Now, this is going to hurt, okay?" The British man says in a tone that Tord despises.

The teen barely gets a chance to reply before he feels a sharp pain his legs.

"Ow! What the faen, Edd?!"

"Stop whining! If you didn't go out there in the first place like I specifically asked you not to, then you wouldn't be in this situation!"

"How was I supposed to know that the king was going to show up?!"

"And how come I don't get to know why you're so distracted?!"

"I'm not distracted!"

"BS! It's a boy, isn't it?"

Tord feels his face go a shade a red that puts his hoodie to shame. "I-it's not a boy!"

Edd sighs and looks up into Tord's eyes. "Listen, I'm your best friend. I know you. And I know when you have a crush. But you have to get over it, okay? I can't see you get hurt like that again."

Tord gulps, then nods. "I know, I know, mom. But seriously Edd, stop worrying about me so much. I'm fine!"

Edd nods towards Tord's legs.

The brunette's facial expression changes to something much more sad. "You'll be the one complaining when I am gone."

TomTord King x Thief AUWhere stories live. Discover now