Tennessee Fairy Tail

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My family and I took a trip to Tennessee during the summer going into my junior year of high school and while I was on the way to my destination, you and I talked the whole way there. Even before I left for Tennessee, you and I pulled an all nighter together. I would always stay up to talk to you, even if I was dead beat tired. We stayed up all through the night talking about my trip. You didn't want me to go and neither did I. I wanted you to come with me, I wanted you to meet my whole family on the trip. Six in the morning rolls around and I hop in the car to leave you and our memories behind for a while.

I remember us talking about songs while I was on my way to the checkpoint. Both of us sincerely loved music so talking about different songs and artists with one another was a common thing we would talk about. "Better Now" by Post Malone, you showed me that song. I remember the first time listening to it and thinking, "This song is kind of not my type but hell, I'll still listen to it to make you happy," and I did. I listened to that song until it finished just to make you happy. You would always tell me to listen to songs you like. It was always, "Babe, listen to this song you'll love it." I did listen to all the songs you told me, if you're reading this right now then you'll recognize the name of the book is after a song you showed me.

After I passed the checkpoint, you told me you were sleepy and wanted to rest. I felt the same way too but I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to keep on talking. Once we said our 'goodbyes' and 'I love yous', my eyes shut and I fell asleep.

The rest of the trip was a boring one, I left for my trip on a Monday which meant the rest of the week you were working which I very much disliked. I disliked the fact that I didn't get to talk with you not the fact that you were working. I remember how you told me that you were going to apply to Wingstop. That day, I was so excited for you. I loved seeing you accomplish things and having a job is something that I would praise you for. Don't you remember when I would help you with what you would say for your interview? You were so nervous and I gave you tips on how to ace the interview. I always tried to help you succeed anyway I could. We were a team and when you succeed, I succeed as well. All I wanted for you was nothing but happiness and blessings. I prayed for you every night hoping that you and your family would be safe.

Sometimes I wonder if you ever remember what we were.

Other times I remember how you made me feel: alive.

But right now, all I can remember is how we're apart.

Drew BarrymoreWhere stories live. Discover now