Chapter 21 - The first death

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Somehow, Hermione and Sirius managed to reestablish their friendship. Mostly because of Sirius apologizing and them both fakely laughing it off. When the Hogsmead weekend came up, both of them went with their friends. After that passed, there was no reason to be awkward. So Hermione talked naturally with the Marauders, but maybe a little less so with Remus, despite the fact it had been nearly three months since they broke up. Hermione was almost sure that she didn't care about it anymore. To be honest, she only wanted to be his friend, and to be there for him. Maybe eventually they'd get over everything. There were no more dramas as far as Hermione was concerned. However, Hermione, Mary and Marlene were all slightly disrupted by the absence of James's pleas at Lily. Lily didn't seem to notice, but Hermione could tell she was just hiding her confusion.

So life at Hogwarts continued. The lessons were either interesting, or enfuriatingly boring, the Slytherins were a pain in the arse and life went on. Everyday came the news of more deaths.

But two months after the Christmas holiday came the worst news.

The sixth year Griffindors and Hufflepuffs had been in Herbology when Mary was called out of class. The while class fell silent as Mary, ashen faced and dreading, walked after Professor McGonnagal out of the class room. She didn't return in the lesson. Afterwards, Marlene, Hermione and Lily were pulled aside by Professor McGonnagal and told that Mary had been sent home for two weeks to stay with her auntie for her parents funeral.

Hermione was overwhelmed with shock and pity. Mary had been very close to her parents, and now they had gone. Mary was alone, and now that she had gone her friends couldn't comfort her. As soon as lessons ended, Hermione, Lily and Marlene wrote three separate letters together, delicately choosing soothing words for Mary's loss. It was a shock for them all. How had they died? At the feast that evening, they all found out. For once, Dumbledore occupied his seat with the teachers. After the meal, he gave a speech.

"As some of you will be aware, Mary MacDonald was taken out of a lesson earlier today. Those of us who know what happened feel obliged to tell you that she was sent home, where she will stay for the next few weeks. You see, her parents were murdered."

A gasp carried throughout the hall as everyone listened anxiously.

"Mary's parents are just two of the many victims of the murderer Tom Riddle. Or as you know him, Lord Voldemort."

Whispers fluttered about as Hermione, Lily and Marlene exchanged disbeliving glances.

"As most of you know, the man who goes by the name Lord Voldemort has very prejudiced and awful beliefs. He believes that Muggles and Muggle Borns should not exist. And to overpower them, he brutally murders and tortures them. Some people would not want me to tell you this, but it would be disrespecting the deceased's memories to do so. There is a war. The battles are going on even as we speak, but here you are protected by our walls. This Voldemort is a threat to us all, never forget how wrong and hurtful his beliefs are, and how they affect us all. But whilst we still love and care for one another, Voldemort has something we do not.

Now I must ask of you all not to repeat this to Mary MacDonald. And I forbid you all to ask her any questions before she is ready. Now of to bed, good night."

Everyone was taken aback for a number of moments, before James was the first to stand up. He looked ashen faced and miserable, and soon everyone followed his lead. Silently, they made their way to their common rooms. When they reached their Common Room, people were talking in only hushed whispers. Hermione was heading towards the stairs when Sirius took her arm.

"Tell Mary that I'm sorry about what happened. We're all sorry." He said quietly.

Hermione nodded. "I will," she said, then followed Lily and Marlene into their dormitory. They didn't say a word to each other, even as Hermione scribbled another letter to Mary, with Sirius's message. They slowly went into bed in silence, but the three of them were awake for many hours into the night.

AN: Thank you all for all of your votes and comments. I appreciate it so much! Thank youuuu!

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