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My boyfriend was quiet on the way home from the convention. He kept saying he wasn't mad with me and I believed him but he was clearly very bothered about Mark Sheppard's behaviour. Not going to lie, it was all I could think about on the way home too but for completely different reasons. I was so confused by his behaviour, I didn't know what to make of it, what I did know was that the offer of going back tomorrow was tempting me and it really shouldn't have been. My boyfriend would be going back to work tomorrow for at least 3 weeks so it was the last day we had together, I should not be considering sneaking off to see another man. But I was.

We got home and he continued to be silent.

"Are you going to carry on giving me the silent treatment?" I asked

"I've told you I'm not mad at you" he sighed

"Then talk to me" I pleaded

"Babe please just lets go to bed and forget it" he replied, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"That doesn't solve anything" I groaned

"What do you want me to say?" he asked "that I'm pissed at the way he was with you? That I feel so insecure when I see you around other men? I don't want to talk about it" and he ran upstairs to bed. 

I stood in the hallway stunned, I loved him to pieces but I wasn't sure how much more of his insecure jealousy I could take. 

I turned on the kitchen light and put the kettle on to boil. While I waited I found myself looking through the pictures we had taken today, stopping on the ones of me and Mark. I couldn't help but wonder if he really did want to see me again, or if it was just something he said. I shouldn't overthink it, he saw me for all of 5 minutes, I was nothing special. 

I made myself and my boyfriend a brew and headed upstairs. He was sat up in bed scrolling through his phone. I placed our mugs on the bedside tables and climbed in beside him. 

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he put his phone down and turned to look at me. 

"For what?" I asked

"Being jealous" he sighed "I just can't help it, it's the way I am"

"I know" I replied and kissed him softly. For once maybe he had every reason to be jealous. We drank our brews and got ready for bed. 

"Goodnight my queen" he whispered as I turned out the light.

"Goodnight" I replied feeling guilty that the last thing I thought about before I closed my eyes was the way Mark Sheppard's lips felt on my skin.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I pulled on my dressing gown and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. 

"Hey" my boyfriend smiled "I wanted to bring it to you in bed"

"Sorry" I smiled, hugging him from behind as he turned back to the pan. 

He put our breakfast on plates and we sat down at the kitchen table. 

"What do you want to do today?" I asked him,

"Well I was actually planning on going to the pub with the lads this afternoon, I haven't seen them in a while" he explained, he was right he hadn't, when he was home he tended to spend all his time with me. "But if you don't want me to I won't"

"No it's fine you go out with the lads I'm sure you've got a lot to catch up on" I told him "I'll go to my mums or Heather's" Heather was my best friend. 

"Okay babe" he smiled. Again I felt guilty because there was only one place I was intending on going to. 

We lounged around in the morning, watching films and cuddling on the sofa, I really did love him, which was why I couldn't understand the need within me to go back to that convention. 

12 o'clock came around and we both got dressed, I didn't put any makeup on or straighten my hair, just pulled it up into a ponytail so he didn't suspect anything. My heart was pounding at the prospect of sneaking around.

"Right babe I'll see you tonight" He said as we pulled up outside the pub where I was dropping him off. 

"Any Idea what time?" I asked

"Probably late my love" he said, I nodded and kissed him.

"Have fun" I called as climbed out of the car.

"I love you" he replied

"I love you too" I told him. As soon as he had disappeared into the pub I turned on my satnav to wales.

I felt ridiculously nervous. What was I doing? I wasn't even sure myself? Did I just look like a desperate fan? I almost turned my car around several times but something stopped me every time.

I parked down the same street we had the day before and sat for a minute. A million questions running through my mind. I checked my reflection in the mirror, no makeup, hair pulled back, a lot less attractive than the day before, jeans and a loose jumper. 

I joined a different queue as I hadn't bought my ticket yet and since it was nearly 2 o'clock there wasn't much of a queue anymore. No crowds so I managed to walk through the venue without panicking. 

Eventually, I made it to the main hall. My whole body tingled with nerves, I wasn't sure what to expect. I could see him talking with fans and he hugged a couple of girls. A feeling of jealousy washed over me, I had no reason or right to be jealous but I couldn't help it. 

When he noticed me, he did a double take and smiled raising an eyebrow at me. Then continued talking to the fans around him. I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I wasn't sure what I expected from him but it wasn't that. I felt like an idiot. I turned on my heels and began to walk away, then I stopped in my track and thought no, I won't be that girl that walks away and hides. So I joined his queue. 

He took his time working through the line, taking time to speak to everyone which I thought was lovely. Soon I was at the front of the queue. Our eyes met and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Hello sweetheart" he grinned


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Lots of love xxx

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