Chapter Thirteen ~ The Unexpected Visit

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I woke up early the next day. I sat up and searched around the room to find Charlie sprawled across his bed, snoring his head off, with Leo lying in the bed next to him, burrowed in the duvet. I giggled to myself and fell back down again, staring at the ceiling, smiling to myself. It'd been a magical night, it'd met all my sunshines and spent hours and hours with them. I even got a special present off Leo. To check, I grabbed my necklace and held it against my chest. A smile broad on my face. I swivelled myself around the bed and placed my feet on the cold carpet, rubbing my eyes and brushing my hand through my hair. I slowly pushed myself off the bed and walked over to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower and sang to myself. Obviously a bit too loud. Once I was dry and dressed, I walked back into the room Leo lying on the sofa in the corner of the room, flicking through his phone, he had a smile on his face as broad as mine. I walked slowly across to the mirror ignoring Leo.

"Morning gorgeous" he said.

"Morning" I smiled, turning around to glance as him. He peeled his eyes away from the phone and looked up and me, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"How are you babe?" He asked, shoving his phone in his pocket and chucking his jumper on. Getting up and walking towards me, the smile still on his face.

"I'm good thank you" I giggled, blushing.

"Good" Leo whispered in my ear as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug.

I giggled into his ear and slung my arms around his neck and leant my head on his shoulder. We stood for about three minutes before I could hear moaning from the Charlie's direction.

I let go of Leo to see Charlie squirming around the bed, kicking the covers off himself.

"Charlieeee" I whined at him.

He lay flat on his stomach, I could see him shaking with laughter.

"Charlieeee" I repeated.

"What?" Charlie moaned, laughing.

"Charlie babyyy, up you get" Leo yelled, laughing uncontrollably.

"I'm up!" Charlie yelled, sitting up, his eyes still closed. He laughed to himself, slowly opening his eyes.

"Aw baby" Leo laughed, he skipped across the room and jumped in the bed next to Charlie.

"Alright buddy" Charlie laughed uncomfortably.

"Rejected by my own Charlie, but all's good, all's good" Leo laughed, shuffling out of the bed and walking towards the bathroom.

"One day" Charlie sighed, giggling.

"One day for what?" I laughed, peering at Charlie through the mirror as I brushed my hair and applied my makeup.

"I don't know" Charlie laughed, sliding out of his bed and stretched whilst he yawned.

I noticed him peer over at me through the mirror.

"What?" I asked confused, swivelling around slowly to look at him.

He smirked, "you don't need make up, you're beautiful anyway"

"I do mate" I blushed intensely.

"No you don't" he sighed, smiling.

I argued with Charlie and blushed more before returning to my make up.

Leo came out of the bathroom five minutes later all dressed and ready.

"Beth" he whined.

"What?" I moaned, throwing my make up down on the counter in a strop.

"You don't need make up" Leo demanded, walking over to me and taking my make up bag from me.

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