Xicor vs Jay

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Jay looked at Xicor as he stood in super saiyan 4 form. Xicor would grin as the two instantly met as they clashed fists. The shockwave from the fist is sent across the stage as they vanished and continued to clash. Their movements were very intense and precise as they began to only be seen by the high class warriors. Xicor slowly but surely began getting the upper hand which eventually led to Jay getting pummeled into the ground. Xicor would float down and look at Jay.

Xicor: Come on brother. I'm barely using 10% of my power

Jay hopped up with a simple expression

Jay: I am using about 3% stranger

Xicor would smile as he thought the saiyan was bluffing only for Jay to unleash 10% of his power which easily made Xicor believe him. His smile turned into a serious expression as he powers up and the two saiyans clash once more. This time it wasn't as vigorous since they both were focusing on defending instead of attacking.


The spectators roared with anticipation as they watches the match. Renegade would look around and see a bunch of alternate versions of himself and the others except Jay. He then got a flash of an image in his head. Uub would tap him

Uub: You good Renegade?

Renegade: Yeah....Why is Jay playing around. He should just end it so the next match could start.

Uub: I don't think he can Renegade. His opponent is extremely powerful

Renegade: Jay is possibly the strongest being in this tournament sector. He's holding back a mysterious power. That guy is a monster

As he said this Jay would hit Xicor in the gut with his knee followed by him kneeing him in the face twice before slamming Xicor down on the ground and slamming his knees into his spine. A loud yell filled the air as Jay got off of Xicor a looked down. He'd then turn into his base form as he cracked his fingers.

Jay: I know you're not dead or even unconcious for that matter

A laugh came from Xicor as he got up with a spike in his power.

Xicor: So powerful. You really are my older brother.

Jay: I don't have a brother

Xicor: Why of course you do. You're looking right at him. We have the same mom different dads.

Jay cracked his neck

Jay: That woman had another son?

Xicor: Yes that woman did. I killed her though so don't worry about it bro.

Jay: I'm gonna kick your ass now

Xicor was caught off guard but still managed to catch the punch Jay sent at him as he turned into a super saiyan 4. Jay would then be punched in the face by his brother as Xicor followed up with a barrage of ki blasts. Dust filled the air and eventually the only thing people saw was a body flying out of the dust as everyone looked towards the smoke. There Jay walked out in base form.

Goku: He's a real monster alright

Up in the stands the being smiles greatly


A power spike filled the whole stadium that caught everyone off guard as Jay looked down and began to tremble slightly. Just as quickly as it appeared it disappeared and Jay floated towards everyone. No one said anything to him.

Messenger: The obvious winner is Jay. Next up we have Piccolo of universe 3 dimension 1 vs Cooler of universe 4 dimension 1.

Xicor would be carried out. He wasn't dead but it sure looked like it. Piccolo got up. This Piccolo looked at Cooler who had a smirk on his face.

Cooler: Ooooo a new namekian slave

Piccolo: Hush asshole

They'd stare at each other and Cooler was caught off guard as he saw a bunch of namekians. Piccolo would then slam his fist into Cooler's gut causing him to cough up blood vigorously.


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