True power, Super saiyan 5

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The sound of  strain echoed through the white void as Jay stood in the center of the dimension. His sweat dripping off of his body as he felt his mind slowly get lost in the void. He went in alone and the wasn't gonna come out till he mastered the secret power of his race.....super saiyan 4

He clenched his fist as he let out a monstrous roar. His power slowly rose as he transformed into a super saiyan, then a super saiyan 2. He continued going through the forms as he reached super saiyan 4. Jay was gonna push his power using his willpower to push pass his current limits. The fights he went through flashed between his mind. A memory that he had no recollection of did the same as his power skyrocketed and his dark red fur turned white along with his hair. He soon lost consciousness and fell over


Jay rushed at Jiren with immense focus. His goal was to rush Jiren to test who was physically superior. A punch was sent towards Jiren. The punch landed against Jiren's guard causing the pride trooper to get sent skidding back. Jiren wasn't caught off guard. He rushed off at Jay with full intention of testing his physique. The two warriors clashed. The force and swings were immense and it appeared that Jay was superior. That assumption was crushed when Jiren slammed his fist into Jay's gut. The flow of battle changed and just like that Jay was now on the defensive.

Renegade: It seems Jay is having a lot of trouble with Jiren

Goku: Well that is what it seems but he has yet to even transform.

Vegeta: The win goes to Jay. He's testing his opponent.

As the warriors spoke Jay was beginning to turn the tide into his favor after he turned super saiyan 3. A spinning side kick with land against Jiren's head followed by a ki infused gut punch which caused Jiren gasp in pain. The saiyan would then smile and began to pummel Jiren with a barrage of punches only to finish it off with a ki blast which made everyone assume it was over. As the dust cleared itself Jiren could be seen once more. His shirt was ripped but not only that. He himself was bloody as he stood there. Jiren would proceed to begin meditating and Jay responded by entering super saiyan 4. The power that Jay had now was so intense then suddenly Jiren stood straight up as his huge muscles began to decrease in size. His grey eyes peered into Jay's very soul as he stood there in a state of what could only be described as blankness. His ki was warm as he closed the distance between him and Jay. The sudden speed caused a surprised reaction to place itself onto the saiyan's face as Jiren's fist slammed into his gut. Blood left his mouth along with an intense pain entering his body but Jay endured and swung at Jiren who simply moved passed his fist with ease.

Goku: "What is that suppose to be?"

Vegeta: "Hell if I know Kakarot! What I do know is that Jay is in trouble"

Renegade: "Jiren's screwed..."

Everyone that was watching the fight looked at renegade in confusion

Uub: "What do you mean Renegade? Jay's getting pummeled out there so how is Jiren screwed?"

Renegade: "That's simple. It's because he still has another transformation. A power we've all sensed before."

As Renegade said this they all recalled to Jay's power fluctuation before Xicor was defeated. They all them stared at Jay who was getting beaten by Jiren in every way possible. His attacks were not landing but he kept going. Out of frustration, Jay would launch at Jiren only for Jiren appear on the other side of him. Jay would suddenly be bombarded with delayed impacts before getting slammed into the ground he stood on.

Jiren: "Give up saiyan. You're no match for my ultra instinct."

Jay began to laugh before he stood up. His body was bloody and bruised as his red fur was stained with his blood. He'd then lock eyes with Jiren.

Jay: "As I am now that statement is valid, but I have a secret. Wanna find out what it is?"

Jiren could only smile at this question. A true test of power is what Jiren loved. Proof that he himself was the strongest and with such a daring opponent who wouldn't respond the way he did next.

Jiren: "Show me"

Jay smiled as he closed his eyes. There was nothing but silence that echoed throughout the arena. Everyone watching was intrigued and immersed into the conflict occurring before their very own eyes. This saiyan had the arena's attention which is no small feat because as there is infinite outcomes the arena matched this infinity in size with ease. The silence was broken once Jay opened his eyes revealing a bright gold instead of his sky blue eyes as a super saiyan 1-3 or the red eyes he had as a super saiyan 4. Jay would then unleash a scream that shattered the sound barrier that rested within the infinite void itself. His energy stretched across this same infinity leaving not a single being oblivious to his existence. As he did Jiren watched greatly as he could no longer feel excitement but only absolute respect for a being such as this. His red fur turned white as Jay continued to scream as he released this power. His hair would then turn white to match his now white fur. All that energy suddenly stopped as Jay stood there with his eyes closed. He then would open them revealing black eyes and golden pupils.

Goku: "His power!? It's not as if I can't sense it but rather I can't sense an end to it."

Vegeta said nothing as he watched Jay stand there with such power. He needed this power. This form was meant for a saiyan of the elite class and Vegeta felt as if he was no exception.

Jay: "You called your form ultra instinct right? Well I call this form super saiyan 5"

Jay would then lift his fist up towards Jiren's direction which Jiren got hit by a wind pressure that cut the side of his face. Everyone looked surprised at Jay's insane power. Jiren was no exception.

Jiren: 'How did he do that?! His speed surpassed autonomous movement?! That's crazy talk!'

Jiren would quickly recover and he'd rush at Jay which nobody could even see as Jay stood there. Jiren would send a flurry of punches at Jay only for Jay to block the punches with one hand before snuck in a punch of his own while simultaneously blocking. The attack landed right in Jiren's diaphragm which knocked not only the wind out of him but the ultra instinct out of him. Jay would then swing once as Jiren seemingly got hit by hundreds of blows. Jay would then sweep Jiren's legs before following up with an axe kick which knocked Jiren through the stage which signaled Jay's victory

Jay: "Phew. That was a good fight"

Jay would power down as the announcer came over and held Jay's arm up.

Announcer: "WE HAVE A WINNERRRR!!!!!!!!!"

The crowd roared loudly as Jay waved at his friends before disappearing from everyone's view.


The pure white majin jumped onto the stage before stretching. Majuub was inspired by Jay to fight with everything he had. This was gonna be a majin vs majin fight and it would be a good chance to show what he was made of. Luckily he had an entire day to train before his match. While Majuub had such resolve, Suu didn't.

Majin Suu: 'I wonder when I get to fight Jay'

Fighting Jay was all he had on his mind as he sat in the center of the stage smiling while nobody was looking. He would then look down the hole that Jiren was in. The fat majin then sent a tiny piece of himself down into the whole and smiled


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