Chapter 1

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Ella P.O.V.

Chapter 1

The First Day

        The rain was pouring as I stood there, he was going to lay there forever, in the cold, hard ground. A few days ago he was fine. But he's gone now. His was just like my mother's, but this time I don't have him to hold me close and cry with me.

        I was wearing all black, the same black dress my mother wore to her father's funeral. Now I wear it to his. It was nothing fancy, just a black dress that went to my ankles, no bows or ribbons. It had a small, thin, black band that went around my waist, front to back. It was slightly out of style. It was not the prettiest thing to look at, but it was my mothers, it reminded me that I still had a part with her. That is what mattered.  

        Slowly the rain stopped, it went from a storm to a light drizzle. The sky was steadily going from the ugliest shade of gray and brown, to a decently blue color. It was almost instantly. Looking up I realize that l was the only one standing there at the grave. Stepmother and her daughters must have left already. As I stood up l could see that Pierre was hovering over me.

"It's time to go, I'm so sorry Ella."

"It's OK."

        Though I was trying not to show it, but I was crying on the inside. I was left with my Step-mother, Lady Dushlun and her daughters, Prudence and Nevaeh. To make matters worse they despised me. From the second father was married, even before then. Mother got to chose the dresses for Prudence, Nevaeh and I. When I got to the wedding with father, we quickly realized that my dress was the wrong shade of pink. I stood out, looking like a complete fool. I didn't think that thing are going to get better.

        Glancing back at the Pierre, I slowly pick up the darkest rose, it was a beautiful shade of blood red, dark, but yet pure and light. Raising it up tho my lips and with a slow and longing whisper I said, "Goodbye."

        Placing the rose back on the top of his cold, gray headstone, I started my way back to the mansion. It was on the other side of town, just past the bridge, slightly hidden and unseen, but it had the prettiest view. I knew what I had to do, I had to walk though the main square, unseen. That was next to impossible. That was the last thing I wanted to do, too. I lowered my head so that no one would know it was me, I didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone either. The only thing I felt like doing was going to my room to cry.

        As I made my way though town, I could tell that everyone seemed to be staring at me. I could hear people saying "who is she?" or "who's that?". I ignored them, keeping my head down I kept walking, trying to avoid anyone and everyone. Not many cared, I was acting like a nobody and no seemed to care, they had other things to worry about besides me.

        Suddenly, a coach with the royal seal on the side of the dark green door came rushing though the square. Everyone was following it, I saw my chance, as fast as I could I started running down the cobble stone path.  Past markets, narrow shops, in the other direction as everyone else. The couch was obviously going to the castle, I was not. I couldn't see very well with my hood almost completely covering my eyes. I think I was just pasting the bakery when I ran into someone.

        Everything was in slow motion as I felt my hood coming off as l was flying over him. The second I hit the ground, everything went back to speed. I was flattened on the ground, in a small puddle, my hood was off, do that everyone could see who I was. To make the matters worse, it felt like everyone was staring. I felt like an idiot, laying on the cold cobble stone. Tears were running down my face, I was wet and cold. My body ached all over. There was mud on my face, taking the corner of my cloak, I wiped most of the mud off.

        As I turned around to see who I ran into, I noticed the strangest looking man. Blinking, I look back, he was gone. Turning back to the man I hit, I could easily see that he was a young man, about 6'2. He looked about 18 years old. His hazel brown eyes were covered by his shaggy, golden-blond hair and were soronded by his freckles.

"Woah" the strange boy said as he saw me. "Here take my hand." I cringed, I looked that bad?

        Slowly I place my hand in his, a tingling sensation filled my hand. As he pulled me up, I realized that my hood was off. I hurried and pulled it back on, but it was too late, everyone saw me.

"No, don't put it back on, you look beautiful."

        He reached to take it off again, "No!"

        Doing my best to get away from him, I ran to the first ally way I could, hoping I would lose him. About minute after I thought I got away from him, he found me. I started running again, No matter how hard I tried, I was not able to lose him. I was almost home when he finally caught up to me.

"St-St-Stop, please stop" The boy trying to say as he was catching his breath. " Please, I have your necklace. The one with the horse."

I was an idiot, he chased me all this way to return my mothers most prize necklace.

" Um..... thanks."

As he handed me the necklace, the sun was setting.

"Oh my, It's getting late! l have to go!"

        I felted horrible, he chased me almost all the way home, to return something of my mother, and I didn't even say thank you.

 When I got home I could already tell something was wrong. As I walked up the stairs mother called for me. 


"Your finally home, now get working on dinner. Also you room is the servants room up stairs, and you old will be Prudence's new on. And you must obey are every order, you also get to were servants clothing. Get to work."

 "Yes Ma'am."

        Picking up the outfit, I make my way to the kitchen. When I get there, I pick up the water bucket and head out to the well. Trying to get my mind off of what had happened that day, I look into the trees. Then something caught my eye. A small medallion was lying on the ground, picking it up, I noticed it looked very similar to the on my father gave to me. Slipping the medallion int my pocket, l look into the trees. I have a strange feeling that some one is watching me.

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