Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


        I felt as if someone had frozen me solid, I couldn't move. All the things William did and I was meant to marry him. If I do, my life will never change. I would be neglected & assaulted my whole life.

" Kayla, this isn't true, I'm suppose to marry him? Then what?"

" Ella, nothing, that's it, your destiny ends there. I'm sorry."

" Why? Why me, can't it be someone else? What did I do to deserve this?"

" Nothing."

" Look, destiny doesn't work like that, it chooses its master. You can't chose it"

" You also can't change your destiny."

" Ami, you can, your a follower, there must be something you can do."

" l'm sorry, not even the best follower could."

        I wanted to speak, but l couldn't get the words out. Standing there with my mouth trembling, I realize that l should hear my destiny, I might figure out a way to change it.

" I want to hear my destiny, please."

" What?" Kayla asked raising her eyebrow.

" I told you, I want to hear my destiny."

" OK "Ami said grabbing my hand, " but l can't tell you"

" Where-, wow." Ami pulled me out of what I think was an infirmary, and into the strangest, most beautiful village I have ever seen. There were buildings covered in ivy, and there all had strange symbols on them. I could understand what they meant. As I looked at then for a few moments more, they seemed to change into English. Some said Healers, others said Keepers, l saw one that said Vistionist.

        As I followed Ami some more, l started to notice that people had a white glow to them. We walked for about a mile to the edge of town. In front of me was the beginning of the creepiest looking forest I've ever seen. The trees when mangled and had cuts and holes that looked like faces. Just looking at them made the hair on my neck stand up.

        Ami started walking ahead, I tried to follow him, but my feet wouldn't move. I opened my mouth, and did my best to speak, but there was no words. Ami kept getting farther and farther. He didn't to turn back to see if l was following him. He just got deeper and deeper into the haunted looking forest.

        Finally Ami disappeared in the forest, and I was alone in the bone chilling forest. My heart was racing, l couldn't think straight. I started shaking, It felt like it was getting closer by the second. Slowly wrap my arms around my chest. I felt so afraid, there was no words to describer my fear. I wanted to curl in a ball and cry. l didn't realized until then, but tears were streaming down my face.

        l was trying so hard to stop them, that l didn't realize that some one was watching me. Suddenly a twig snapped and l turn around, Squinting my eyes l made out a rough figure of a tall, stocky man. I mustered up the courage l had, l put my foot out to take a step. Then another sound came from behind me, I whipped myself around to see, I saw the same figure, but this time it looked like it had a weapon.

        lt started getting closer and closer, it was getting to close for comfort. I had three options, I could run and hide, scream for Ami or follow him. Looking back at the figure, l could easily see that it was getting way to close. I had made up my mind, I was going to look for Ami. The direction he took was deeper into the forest. Taking a deep breath and getting my thoughts together, l ran.

        l could hear the crunch of the leaves underneath my feet, and the wind as it rushed around me. Everything looked the same, all there was, was haft dead, mangled up trees that looked like figures from a child's nightmare. My heart was racing as l searched for Ami. I never looked back because of fear, but yet I knew that it was on my heels.

        After a short distance I came to a clearing. In the center was the saddest looking house l've ever seen. It almost looked like it was built in a hurricane, then hit by one when it was finished. The shutters were falling off and the roof had leeks. You could tell easily that it was having a had time managing staying together.

        But I was desperate, the figure would be here any moment and l didn't want to be there when that happened. With a deep breath, l enter the house. The inside was nice than the outside, but still not nice. There were cobwebs every were and mice pretty much dominated the whole house. Termites were eating the floors and bats lived in the corners. It was as if no one had cleaned this house in a thousand years.

        In front of me was the strangest looking man l've ever seen in my life. His skin was so pale that it looked like he was dead. He had long grayish- whitish hair that draped past his shoulders. He had a black cloak with a hood that cover most of his face and his body. His was so thin that they had no fat or muscles. He was a stick figure in a chair. I shivered at the sight of his face, his mouth was shriveled up and was like a bump in his face. He had no nose that I could see. I was shaking at the mere sight of him.

Turning around I start to leave.

"Wait! You have something you wish to know." This old, creepy voice said from behind me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up, as I turn around the corpse moved. It's brittle hands moved in a beckoning motion.

"Who-who are you?"

 "I am the spirit Lempti, son of Mec, the king of the seven tribes. I am the destiny keeper. Ask and you shall receive."

"I would like to see Ella Winterton's destiny" I say as loud and bravely as posible.

"Come here my child."

Slowly I walked over to him.

"Put you hand in mine."

As I placed my hand on top of his, I could felt that it was cold and leatherly.

Looking at me he said, "keep calm what ever you do." 

What he had of a mouth, he opened to revele nothing. Unexpectedly a white mist came out and surrounded me. 

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