Chapter 9

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Kayla's P.O.V.

My Secret

        I waited, waited for the news of his arrival. I has send my most trusted follower to fetch him. She was a red-head, only about two thousand years or so, young for a follower. I had her pose as a maid, I knew that she could covence him with little words. She was very pervasive, she could make anyone do want she wanted.

        Suddenly, Timberly bust though the door. " I have come to bring new of his arrival. " She reports quickly as she takes a small bow.

" That is wonderful news, now you may be dismissed. "

" Yes ma'me."

        Timberly was very small girl she was only four hundred and ninety-seven and was very small for her age. She had olive skin and almost white hair. It was never straight, she was about five feet tall and was skinnier than a stick.

        I ran my hand against the cold, wet stone walls. I had went back into thought. " Ella" I said out loud without thinking. She started to cross my mind. She was a bright girl, just like her mother in some ways, and not in others. She did look just like her bu she has her fathers deep blue eyes. She taller than her mother and had more of a figure than her, too. But when it comes to personality, Ella is spot on. She has the sweetness of her but she also has the stubbornness too. I can already tell that she has fire in her, she has the courage to be Juliet. I hope just like her mother she could read a mans heart. See the truth, the difference between good and evil. She's going to need that, if she's going to chose her destiny

        As I pulled my hand slowly from the wall, it reminded me of that day, the day of death. Suddenly my mind went into shock, it froze, time was frozen. I tried to move, I couldn't. My body was paralyzed. My brain was telling me to tremble in fear, but I couldn't. Then I noticed a the dark, purple mist moving thoughout the room. I emidiatily knew who it was, It was death.

        With a blink of the eye, it was gone. At the speed of light, everything went black.  

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