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        My name is Ella. I'm a slave in my own home. I'm worthless, annoying, a pest, stupid & much more. The only thing I'm not is special. My troubles started the day I was born, that was the day my mother died. My father was heart broken, all he had was me. I grew up in a fair size home, near the edge of town. I got everything my heart desired, for he was the kings advisor. I never got my one true wish, all I wanted was a mom.

        My mom would be kind, caring, humble, smart, pretty, loving, wonderful, she would sing to me and teach me. She would be everything a mother should.

        The step-mother I got was none of those things, she was rude, cruel, evil, vain, self centered, loudmouthed, pessimistic & down right horrible. to exact, she wan't my real mother, she was my evil step-mother.

        I also wanted brothers & sisters, they would be happy, fun, loving, caring. They would be perfect.

        The sisters that I got are just like there mother,only worse. Vain, rude, cruel, they whined, complained at almost everything. They seem to love making my life miserable.

        I was about eight when my father married my stepmother, she was discuss by my the sight of me & still is. She acted like she loved him, but I know she only married him for his money. She never cared how he felt, his hope, his dreams. All she did was spend. She bought dresses she only wore once. Shoes that didn't even fit.

        My father decided to write his wil a few days ago, he left everything to me, he knew he was going to die soon. Stepmother was furious, raving mad. She called him a bad husband, an evil man. But he refused, he did his best to try to explain that he wanted his belongings to go to me & if she wanted to give hers to her daughters he could. Slowly she calmed down. The next day he died.

        The last words he ever said to me was "Stay strong." I remember those words everyday' that's why works for those people in my own home, it belongs to me, never them. Things will get better, they have too.

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