Ella P.O.V
Chapter 10
The Counsel
My head was throbbing, it was like I woke up from a bad dream. Everything was spinning. I wasn't able to tell if I was dead or alive. I felt something light enter my lungs. It was like my chest was pure again.
" What was this amazing thing entering my lungs" I was just laying there thinking. It made me feel free. Then I realized what it was. " Air..." I felt like an idiot. I was getting excited over air, no wonder I was an outcast. Laying there, staring at the ceiling, my mind started to wander. So much had happened in less than two days. It was unbelievable. I couldn't help wonder, what would have happened if I really marry William. I knew the answer, I would be queen.
I couldn't help laugh at the thought of how mad Prudence and Nevaeh would be if they I was queen. I could see the anger swell up there whole face. I knew my stepsisters, they hated me or anyone for that could or have anything they weren't able to.
I remember this one time that Prudence couldn't fit in this dress and when they went back a week later, they was a girl about thirteen wearing the same dress. She pushed the poor girl down into a mud puddle and ruined the dress. I wished I could help the poor girl, but if I did, stepmother would have starved me for a week.
Different memories started to flood my mind. I remember one time, when my father was alive, I tried to go past the city bounders and my father stopped me. He told me it was forbidden to go past the city lights. And since then, I've never tried. Now that I thought about It, I really don't understand why we couldn't go past. the city. It didn't make any sense, what was beyond those walls. Weren't there other cities, other places, didn't anyone leave, or did every one just stayed in one place, forever.
"No!" I yelled at myself, "No, stop, I can't think like this, I need to stop, I'm going to be queen, I need to dumb up. That is all my life will be, I will be the wife of a over powerful tyrant. But, wha- stop!" I was yelling at myself, but there were two sides of me. I knew I was the one who knew that I was suppose not be to curious. I never have had any problems with voices in my brain.
Suddenly, the door swung open, it was a young girl I've never seen before, she was maybe fourteen. She was about five-four and had bright red, curly hair that when down to her elbows.
" Are you OK?'" She asked as she walked slowly to were I was.
Groaning, I turned my head to her, "Yes"
"Come on, get up, we don't have all day to waste away" She said as if she was my mother. "Now come on Ella, get up the Counsel is waiting and they are no patient people. They may be wise and old but not patient."
"Wait... how do you know me, I've never met you before." I was saying it as fast as I could, but it wasn't fast enough to make it sound like I'm not throbbing in every part of my body. My mind was thinking and going at my normal pace, but the rest of my body wasn't fast enough. It was like the tortoise and the hare. My brain was the hare and my body was the tortoise.
The girl just stared at me for a moment, she seemed confused, like she had no idea why I was in pain. After a couple seconds of staring and wondering, she got it. "Oh my, you must be having after shocks of the Rayelmpr, that's an easy fix, here drink this."
"Aggg!" I scream in agony from the pain of moving.
Almost jumping back, she quickly realized that she needed to pour the strange liquid in my mouth. " I almost forgot that I need to pour it because it is like your going through labor if you move."
Glass slipper
RomanceOne Princess. Two Princes. One is Handsome, Strong and is the classic prince. While the other is Kind, Shy and Charming. One is believed to be the real prince, and the other is believed not be a prince after all. The Followers say that destiny is e...