Chapter 11

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Draco's POV

I took a deep breath, and entered "her" room.

She was dead.

NOOOOOOOOOO I screamed, inside of my head of course.

No! Stop! I scolded my self.

You can't have feelings for her!

I ran to her, silently sobbing.

Spell after spell, I casted, hoping to see her eyes blink open.

Her beautiful, sparkling, jet green eyes.

Her eyes didn't open.

I casted every healing spell that went past my mind.

Nothing worked!

Even if she lived, I couldn't be with her.

We could be friends, but not more than that.

When I first laid my eyes on her, that's all I wanted to be.

More than friends.

But that would never be.

She was the Dark Lord's key.

She would end up bending to do his will.

If she managed to pull through tonight.

Mikayla, I silently pleaded, don't leave me.

They need you.

I need you.

As I huddled over her cold still body I sunk within my consciousness.

I went numb with pain.

Nothing registered around me.

I was snapped out of my daze with something moving beneath me.

"Mikayla?" I breathed.

I got a moan in reply.

"What?" I asked, almost shouting in joy.

"Get off of me, you great big lump!"

"You're alive!"

"No, I'm dead you idiot."

"But, y-you w-we-were-"

"Spit it out idiot!" she exclaimed to me.

"You were dead!" I shot out.

She stared at me, agape for a second.

Then she processed who I was.

"Wait, it's you! What are you doing here, Draco!?" she spat at me.

"I was trying to help you."

"Oh" she breathed in reply.

"I'm not all that bad you know." I joked.

"Anyways," I continued, " I have to go. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

As I turned to go, she stopped me.

"Wait, Draco, how long do I have to stay here?"

"I-I don't know."

Then I left.

I left.

I left her, broken, on the floor, with no hope.

I left my- my true love.

Possibly forever.

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