Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to annab_123 because she is one of the only active readers out there!!



Mikayla's POV

I woke up in a "normal" room, a bedroom of sorts.

As I craned my neck around (that's about all I could do because I was still tied to a chair) I appeared to be near a window.

Within the room, there was a bed, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, and a desk.

When I looked towards the bed, the young blonde-haired boy was sitting on it!

I almost screamed when I saw him there.

Right before I almost screamed he muttered, "Silencio!"

I couldn't make a sound!

This wasn't possible! How was he doing this!?

So I just stared at him with a look of pure hatred. Oh, if looks could kill.

If looks could kill, then I would be considered a mass murderer!

Quietly, he asked me, "If I take the spell off, will you promise to be silent?"

I gave him a confused look.

"Look here!" he fumed, "I don't have much time, do you promise to keep quiet?"

By then I was nodding my head vigorously. What else could I do?

Before I knew it, I could speak again.

As I started to speak, he interrupted me, " The name's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

After completely dying in my head, I replied, "My name's Mikayla, but you probably know that by now."

"Now we have formally met." Draco muttered proudly.

"Moving on," I stated, " What is going on and why all the secrecy?"

"It's a long story."

"I have all the time in the world."

"Ok... Well,"

"Well get on with it!" I exclaimed.

"In trying! It's hard trying to explain things to a muggle!"

"A muggle? What's a muggle?"

"I've already said to much!" he whisper-yelled impatiently.

During a mid-stream of curses, which I would rather not repeat, he exclaimed, "Someone's coming! I was never nice to you!" he hissed looking me in the eye.

I again nodded vigorously.

Just then, Bellatrix decided to walk in.

"Draco? What are you doing in here with Her?!" she asked, seemingly confused.

"Oh, I'm just about to torture her-"

Wait what?! He comes in here for chitter-chatter and now decides to TORTURE me!?

"Well lets get started then shall we?" she cackled frighteningly.

You know what? I give up on the cackling.

"You first." she coaxed sweetly.

"Crucio!" Draco yelled.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed.

This is the worst pain that I have ever felt in my life!

I felt like my inside were coming out and I was on fire everywhere!

After minutes which had seemed like hours, the pain ended.

"Nicely done Draco." she soothed.

"Come now Draco." she then ordered.

As they left the room, he gave me a look of hatred and grief.

His face was the last thing I saw before I drifted into unconsciousness.

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