the beginning

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the world of  hero's My vigilante academia

random news reporter P.O.V

"In recent news, the infamous vigilante strikes again capturing a group of thugs who where planning on robbing a convenience store. The Identity of this mysterious vigilante is unknown because of how quickly the mysterious person strikes down their enemies also the fact that a few number of people who saw the vigilante's body shape says that they wear a wolf like mask and a black cloak wrapping their body in darkness.If you see this vigilante don't interact or try to make contact with them because we do not know if the person will be hostile towards civilians, if you spot him run away and call the hero hotline or police." A news anchor says then moves on to talk about other news.

Inside a chat room with 2 hero fan

"Wow that vigilante is cool, how long has the person been out and yet no one known who they really are!"

"I know right! I hope the wolf vigilante doesn't get caught that would suck for them." chat person 2 says to his friends.

"if the vigilante been a vigilante for 3 years and hasn't been caught since then, I doubt that they will be caught now." Chat person 1 types

-------------off at UA high in a closed meeting--------------------------

"So Aizawa that is the brink of things i want you to capture this vigilante that has been on the news allot recently and bring him here to me." Principle Nezu says jumping in his chair

"Eh why would you want him to be here in the school he a vigilante a good criminal." Aizawa says questioning the principles judgement

"Yes that is true but there so much more then how It seems,i believe he is around 15 years old and he is very talented with guns which would make him very useful to the school." Nezu says looking more serious this time.

"sigh." Aizawa just face palms then he goes back to his nature dead face plane face with no emotion , like a sloth who just woke up from a nap.

"Ugh fine if I do this will you stop talking about him all the time like you have been."AIzawa says

"yes."nedzu says in sadistic tone.

-----------------3 weeks later----------------------


"hi readers my name Izuku, and yes i'm the person everyone talking about the vigilante who never been caught. I know I know I don't want to toot my own horn here but i'm only 15 years old to my quirk is called Cero. it allows me to shoot a green energy blast from these 2 pistols of mine. Why the pistols? Well I can shoot theses Cero energy blast through my fingers like a finger gun but it's unstable and I can never tell how much power I use, but with the pistols i can fire faster and more stable shots."  Izuku says breaking the 4th wall.

"Right now i'm hunting down a villain named chop who allied himself with my main target. Apparently he can chop his body into pieces, those piece won't bleed and he can levitate while his feet are touching the ground he also regularly attacks at the Kiyashi ward shopping mall."That's what my connections told me anyways. So that's why i'm at the mall right now.

(points to who ever get the reference from the ability I gave the villain Tehehehe)


"huh was that a scream?!" Izuku says then he rushes forwards to where he heard the scream and coincidentally there was the man he was looking for. 

"Ha!looks like i found him. Chop i''m here to beat your ass up for harming other people." Izuku says charging up his right gun and was about to pull the trigger but then he saw a unbearable sight.

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