The Confrontation

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It's been a few days since the mall incident P Izuku capturing Chop the villain. Izuku was home with his mother watching the news." So Izuku sweetie how has middle school been for you? Have you been thinking over of any high schools you want to take an exam for?" Inko Asks while fidgeting her fork."Middle school has been a blast mom I got to meet a few friends and as for the high school thing, I have no idea what high school I want to go to yet," Izuku says, with an I have no clue look on his face. "What about UA honey? You dreamed of being a hero right? Don't you still want to follow that dream?"Inko asks."Hmmm I'll think about it mom, thank you for the dinner I think I'll go to my room to study for the night then go to sleep so can you please not intrude on me while I'm studying mom," Izuku says knowing that's not exactly what he is going to do. "uh OK, honey," Inko says blatantly.As izuku walks to his room he thinks about what his mother said to him about going to UA and his old dream of being a hero. "That was my childhood dream but I found a better cause to fight for," Izuku says changing into A white trench coat and sneaking out of his room to go and hunt for bad guys.--------elsewhere-------------"Here's the plan again hero's, snipe going to stand back and snipe out the villains from the rooftop. Midnight I want you to knock out as many people as you can with your knock-out gas. Mt. Lady I want you to go into the hideout and don't get caught, when I give the signal I want you to grow large so you can knock off the roof of the building then that's when All Might will come in and do all might stuff, does everyone get the plan?" Nezu ask every hero who is currently in a meeting room"Yes, Principal Nezu."All the hero's say in unison." Remember we are after the Mafia villain boss Crocodile." Principle Nezu says seriously.---------back with Izuku--------------"Ah, so this is the Crocodile's hideout...just to be sure let's check again," Izuku says looking down at a note of paper with an address on it.1245 Mafia street JapanIzuku giggles at the name of the street name. Then he tightens his teeth holding in the anger he has for the villain Crocodile. "Just you wait for you bastard, I'll kill you but I need to know if it's the right thing to do or if it's the truth of what I've been told, what better way to find out than to ask you directly?" Izuku says then runs to the 4 stories tall shed/hideout." Alright maximum effort". Izuku says while he does some stretches then he does some parkour to jump up to the top of the building and once he lands on top he spots a scout Villain. Izuku quickly runs to a wall and pulls out one of his normal pistols with a silencer and rubber bullets and shoots the villain thus knocking him out."well that's one down let's move on."-------back with the heroes -----------As the hero's get into their position, snipe is currently laying down on top of a building about a block away. Midnight is currently near the entrance of the compound with Aizawa who is behind her they're job is to knock out villains with Midnight gas and Aizawa is to capture them with the rope like the thing he carries around his neck. Mt. Lady is currently waiting on Nezu's cue to rush in the building and grow to giant size to know off the roof of the building, well All Might is also waiting to jump in and be the tank of the operation. With Nezu. "Alright is everyone ready?" Nezu asks speaking into his phone."Yes". They all say one after another. "Light 'em up operation is a go". Nezu says."Roger that." Everyone says again.------with snipe-------------Snipe was currently aiming down his scope at a target on the roof of the compound, he was about to pull the trigger when he sees the villain fall down face first oh most like he went unconscious." hmm that was strange... oh well could have been Nezu or someone else." Snipe thinks then aims at another target.------with Midnight and Aizawa----------The 2 of them were inside the compound and were near the east wall of the building." You see that scout next to the window. Aizawa is ready I'm going to knock him out in 3... 2... 1... now!!"Midnight uses her knockout gas to the distance of the guard and as he was about to fall to the ground Aizawa catches him and ties him up."Let's move on up to the center Midnight,"Aizawa says With a tired look on his face."Roger that dry eyes". Midnight says with a grin but Aizawa gives a huge *sigh* and they move on up closer to the center of the building.-----with Izuku-------"Hmm, how am I going to get past that guard who is standing near the door," Izuku says behind a wall looking out on the guards' position.-----with snipe---------This time he was ready to aim his sniper at the target who was standing by the door." Exhale then inhale that is what my teacher taught me on what I need to do to stay calm during a snipe." Snipe thinks to himself then slowly he pulls the trigger on a target. *boom* is all you hear on the rooftop followed by a thud of the villain's body falling to the ground.----with Izuku-------" holy shit that guy just got shot but it wasn't by me... is someone else after Crocodile"? Izuku thinks about this in his head.""Well, I hope they don't think I'm working with him because that will only cause me more trouble than I have shit so what should I do, take another route because of that sniper or stay and hope I don't get shot like that villain.-----with snipe-----snipe still had his eyes on the door waiting to see if anyone else heard that shot and is going to investigate it." there another villain."Snipe zooms in on the villain and is about to pull the trigger but he sees that he looks smaller than all the other villains. "Wait a minute that's a teen, or a vigilante." Snipe watches the boy with a wolf mask break the door open and walk in the building through the top." "I got a good look at his mask and that is defiantly a vigilante but could it be wolf? Or someone acting like him." Snipe thinks then he pulls out his phone to talk to everyone who is there." To all hero's there is currently a vigilante who is in the building I had a clear shot on his mask but I didn't take it," Snipe says. Aizawa then asks why didn't take the shot?"Well, I think it's the unknown vigilante Wolf and I think he is here for crocodile, not only that I think he is of teenage years by the way his body looks, "Snipe says bluntly. Aizawa and Nezu both have eyes wide open at the news they just heard, Nezu then begins to grin."We'll let him be if he gets to Crocodile first he won't do anything bad to him besides knocking him out." nezu says.----with Izuku-------"Phew thank god that sniper didn't see me," Izuku says as he speed walks and while he does he continuously ducks down to get to cover and knocks out scout villains on his way to find where the hell Crocodile's room is, however."I can't find this guy's damn room." As Izuku says that he sees a double-door room in the back of the building and 2 guards standing by it." well, it looks like that must be his room."Izuku walks as close to the doors as close as he can without being detected and to be within his shooting distance."first thing first who should I take out probably the big guy with the automatic rifle." Izuku points his silent pistol at the guard with the rifle and shoots him. However he was too late on the second shoot and before he shot the other guard, the guard was able to pull the alarm thus notifying the entire compound that there is an intruder. "Son of a bitch damn nothing I can do about it now."izuku charges to the door and busts it open.------with the heroes ------the Heroes all hear the alarm going off and all guessed that the Vigilante got caught and is fighting them right now."Plan B everyone goes wild and knocks out every bad guy here." nezu says." Mt Lady COME NOW," Nezu shouts in his phone. Mt Lady charges in through the main entrances and grows to an enormous size and tears off the rooftop. Then All Might flies into the building and lands in the center and starts beating the shit out of the villain. Then when it looks like they were winning and are going to clean up the trash they hear a giant explosion going off in the room where Izuku was and they see 3 figures, 1 falling, and 2 are going the opposite way.---------with izuku before the explosion.---------izuku charges into the room busting down the door." Crocodile I finally found you, you scaly fuck." Izuku says angrily holding both pistols in hand." oh-ho and who do we have here?" Crocodile turns around and looks izuku dead in the eyes as they have a stare-off."I'M HERE FOR YOUR HEAD, BUT IS IT TRUE THAT IT WAS YOU WHO GAVE THE ORDERS TO KILL MY SENSEI FROST!?!?""Ah, Frost that name sure does bring me back to the good old day's wolf... no Izuku Midoriya." The blood in Izuku's body starts boiling to a boiling part and he screams" YOU FUCKING BASTARD ILL KILL Yo-." izuku wasn't able to finish because a window broke and a lizard-like man showed up then threw about 3 grenades in the room and grabbed Crocodile and jumped out to the roof and left be it by helicopter.""oh that's not good shiiit,"Izuku says before getting exploded out of the room falling to the floor which will kill him while being unconscious.---with the heroes ------all the hero's in the building see a figure fall from the room and Aizawa sighs as he throws his rope at the figure and captures him saving the wolf. They all gather around to see who it was and they all gasp at the mask and the white cloak and realize that it was the unknown Vigilante wolf."well take his mask off." Midnight says as she leans forward to take off the Wolfs mask. they all again gasp in unison revealing that the vigilante the wolf is a teen maybe 15 years old. they see the burns on the boy's arms. "We need to get him to a hospital asap," Nezu says.TILL NEXT TIME FAN

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