Todoroki vs Crocodile

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"Damn  it, what? Where am i? It feels so cold  am, am i dead?" Izuku opens his eyes to see the remains of walls surrounding him.

"Ican't feel anything in my body. Shit...shit i can't die here i need to carry out my Sensei wishes."

Izuku is paralyzed well paralyzed is not the correct word to use, every bone in Izuku body has been broken by both hitting the walls and Crocodile punch.

---else ware in the mall---

"Its chaos everywhere it seems like all of us are in a battle of some sort." A boy with white and red hair says. He broke out of his jail pretty easy and was running around the mall wondering where the explosions are coming from then as he turns a corner he notices a girl and a scaly looking man next to.

"those 2 are defiantly in a fight."

Ice Mountain

The white red hair kid stomps on the ground with his right foot and a mountain of ice comes flying towards the 2 who were fighting separating them.

"This is."Itsuka turns to the direction where the ice came from and notices the boy.


"Whats going on why are you alone here Itsuka?"  Todoroki ask in a cold voice.

"W'm not alone." Itsuka replies. 

"What do you mean by that?" Todoroki ask.

Itsuka points at a hole in the wall that was pretty big in size a person can fit through it.Without asking anymore questions Todoroki pretty much knows what happened here.

ice board

Todoroki summons a ice snowboard and gets on it to charge at the man he gets close to the man  covers his foot in ice and kicks Crocodile in the face. Crocodile responds by catching the kick and does another punch

Reptile Punch

Crocodile punches Todorioki to which Todoroki saw that coming and was able to put up a shield to block it in time also jumping backwards to gain some distance from his enemy 

"This man is very agile i was hoping to finish it off quick but it doesn't look like ill be able to do that." Todoroki thinks.

Ice splitter

Todoroki makes another mountain of ice but this time instead of it being one huge wave of ice he sends it off in different directions cornering his enemy then all the ice charges at Crocodile. After all the ice disappeared Todoroki is hoping to see his enemy fall to the ground but it doesn't look it that.

"Not bad kid you got potential with your quirk but you can't defeat me." Crocodile says. with his arms blocking his face.

"Hmm wt to do next" Todoroki thinks.

Off to the corner Itsuka was watching the entire show down.

"Damn how can i help my classmate or will i be his way?" Itsuka think.

"His back is open!" 

Itsuka slowly but in a fast paste creeps up to Crocodile hoping to catch him off guard. 

"Whats is she doing?" Todoroki is more surprised that Itsuka is moving then he figures out what she wants to do.

Ice Mountain

Todoroki shoots a huge amount of ice towards Crocodile making him dodge it and jump back wards toward Itsuka.

"That trick wont work on- *gauh*."

Full power punch

Itsuka enlarges her right hand as much as she can and delivers a punch straight at Crocodile side sending him flying hitting a wall.

"Damn." Is all Todoroki can say.

"*Cough* damn it that was a fierce punch who did it."Crocodile in no hurry just lays down in the rubble of the wall that he landed in.

"TODOROKI see if you can do something about Izuku injuries." Itsuka shouts over to Todoroki.

"Izuku?" Todoroki ask.

"Yes Izuku is over there in walls he hasn't moved from them in sometime now so i worry that something happened to him."Itsuka says pointing to the hole in the wall.

"Ill see what i can do but no promises."Todoroki says.

Ice wave  

Todoroki makes a ice wave to surf on and moves over to the hole that where Izuku is.

"It it's getting cold, i really am going to die damn it."Izuku thinks then he see a figure that he can't make out yet.

"Sen-sensei is that you?"Izuku thinks.

"Damn your really fucked up man."Todoroki says as he surfs his way towards Izuku then stops down to  where Izuku is.

"Hahaha not sensei but i'm glad to see you, but Todoroki what are you doing here? you can't heal right." Izuku thinks.

"Damn it why do i have to use my cursed left side i wish i could save you without using his power."

 that really confused Izuku what Todoroki said.


A enormous  amount of fire surrounded Izuku then the flames  turn to blue flames  then finally white flames. The white flames engulfed Izuku entire body.

"Oh shit,shit, i'm going to burn." Izuku thinks.

"Hehe you wont burn Dumbass this is my ultimate ability Phoenix rebirth. It combines my fire that heats up your body then my ice which cools your cells down after they became extremely hot. This ability is repeated hundreds if not thousands of times in your body speeding up the recovery process exponential. However i will not be able to use my quirk for sometime after this maybe around a day. If i gave it my all i could kill that villain but it seems you have a more personal relationship with him, i just want 2 things from you in return. 1 you shut your mouth About this ability of mine and 2 you finish off that villain."

With that the white Flames engulfing Izuku spring his body upwards all Izuku does is just pull out his 2 guns putting one  on his shoulder while the flames are still on his body the flames are still scattered around Izuku making oh most armor which also is making Izuku look badass.

"Gotcha thanks Todoroki."Izuku says to todoroki.

"N-n-no problem."Todoroki falls down passed out from healing Izuku.

"Wow i feel like a million bucks. Even stronger then before." Izuku then pops his neck.

"lets go."Izuku jumps from the rubble and straight towards the area where the fight was happening.

"Crocodile where the hell are you!!" Izuku shouts but he doesn't know Crocodile is just laying down without a care in the world.

"Oh your back, and where your friend?" Crocodile ask.

"Shut up." Izuku jumps super fast with the flames echoing behind him

white flame punch

Izuku punches Crocodile sending him flying towards another wall.





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