New Arc Sun paradise

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A few days has  passed after what has been said to be the most epic public hero party ever held. While the house didn't get ruined there was still a shit tone of trash that was still everywhere so what was the most logical thing to do? Hire a crew to clean it up of course.

time 7 am 


"Ugh man can't a guy sleep one off". Izuku  says as he reaches for the alarm clock but misses it a couple of times.


"Shaddup". Izuku says as he finally presses the button that turns off the alarm clock.

"Man these past couple days of cleaning has been a pain in the ass, I can go for a vacation". Izuku says yawing getting out of bed to get dress for school.

----time skip at U.A hero class-----

"Morning Momo babe". Izuku says with his eyes barely opening then he finds his desk and sits down then puts his head on his desk ready to fall asleep.

"Man you look like shit. Have you been up all night or something Izu-"? Momo says standing next to izuku's desk.

"Nah i did get 3 hours of sleep tonight but mostly was cleaning the house". Izuku mumbles trying to fall asleep.

"IZUKU!  YOU KNOW ITS DISRESPECTFUL OF YOU TO BE SLEEPING IN CLASS". A weird guy with glasses says and for some reason is also chopping the air with one of his arms.

"Give him a break Lida he's been cleaning his house and is running on 3 hours of sleep". Momo says  in his defense.

"Thank you for talking i really didn't want to move". Izuku says with a grin on his face.


When the bell ranged the rest of the class went to their respective seats and all sat up in a orderly fashion expect for Izuku who still was sleeping, then their homeroom teacher walks in looking like he is running low on sleep as well.

"*Yawn* Took you 5 seconds for all of you to get seated y'all improving". The teacher says sitting down on a chair and his elbows on his desk. 

"Sensei Aizawa what are we going to do today"? Mina ask.

"I hope it's combat training". Kirishima says excited as always.

"I hope its specialty training". A girl with Earphones attached  to her head and twirling the earphones with one of her fingers says.

"I second what Jiro says". An invisible girl says.

Aizawa puts a smug grin on his face" It's none of those".

The entire class has a sweat drop and gets extremely nervous.

"What y'all are going to do today issss... Go on a vacation". AIzawa says simply and then suddenly he gets his favorite sleeping bag wraps it around him and zips it up.




"WHATTTTTTTTT VACATION"??????? The whole class scream but for izuku his ears twitch a little at that word.

"HELL YA I'M DOWN FOR A VACATION". Izuku says jumping in the air and putting his hands on his desk in excitement.

"Hold your horses students". The principle of U.A says walking in the room.

"Principle Nezu? What are you doing here"? Izuku ask out of curiosity.

"what i am doing here is to discuss the class vacation your class is going to take because someone didn't want to". Nezu says glancing over  at AIzawa who's passed out.

"Anyways, the vacation you all will be going on is  a 2 week  tropical vacation to a place call Sun Paradise its a island off the coast of japan and Class 1-A will be there for 2 reasons. 1 for a actual 1 week vacation and 2 for training. Oh by the way there a local sun festival that is going to happen there at the end of the 2nd week, so if you want to hook up with someone that time the best time to do it." 

A/N I know there is no place off the coast of Japan called Sun paradise just roll with it...

"Class 1-A will have special permission to leave today early to get packing because you all will be leaving tomorrow Ta-da". Principal nezu says then walks out of the door.

"you heard the thing leave and get packing". Aizawa  says in his sleep which makes all the students  rush out the door but...

"Izuku... could we talk to you for a minute". 

"Principle Nezu? I thought you left". 



A/N Well guys i'm back  i took some time off and wanted to end this fanfiction but i had it in the back of my mind for a while and thought what the hell i'll get back into it and don't worry this upcoming arc is going to get exciting Muahahahahahahaha.

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