A new mission?

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'So principle Nezu what did you want to talk about"? Izuku ask cursorily.

"Well first  i'd like to say congratulation on winning our bet". Nezu says jumping up and down.

"Ha bet sure of course you would call it that". Izuku rolls his eyes.

"Secondly we have gotten a request from the Island you and your classmates are going to stay at". 

"A request"? Izuku ask now intrigue.  

"yes a request from the higher ups of the island saying that there has been suspicious activates of a local group there and they ask U.A to send a  hero in to investigate it". 

"This doesn't sound good".Izuku says sighing.

"I bet you already know what i am going to say next right? Will you accept this mission? There will be pay". Nezu says making Izuku's body twitch a little.

"Pay you say".

"Mhm 1,000,000 yen". Nezu  says grinning which also makes Izuku's jaw drop.

"hmm i have no idea where to start even if i take the job".

"oh no worries about that Izuku the  higher ups of the Island have agreed to send a local there to meet up with your class and show you around". 

"Really this job sounds better now i'll take it". Izuku says shaking Nezu's hand.

"Oh who is this person i will be seeing anyways"? Izuku asks.

"Well she's around your age so there wouldn't be anything suspicious and you will meet her at the airport". Nezu replies with a grin.

"A girl? Ah shit Momo is going to get the wrong idea". Izuku  says with a sigh.

"Whats her name"?  Izuku ask ready to leave now.

"Her names Hana and you should spot her out no problem" Nezu says.

"Hana huh sounds interesting, well see i'll see you later Principal Nezu". Izuku turns around and starts to walk out the door but before he can leave Nezu says one more thing.

"Oh and By the way try to keep this co-vert it will be a problem if the public were to find out about this". Nezu's says to Izuku who just waves his hand and walks out the door. Then he turns around looking at  Aizawa who's still sleeping in his favorite sleeping bag.

"So you got all that Mr. Aizawa". 

"*snoorzz*u-ugh huh what, oh about Izuku's mission ya I mostly get what he's supposed to do".

"Amazing you can talk perfectly while still in a freaking dream, you really have mastered the art of sleeping. Nezu says walking out of the classroom for real this time.

--------izuku's home----------

"Mom am home". Izuku says opening the door and walking up the stairs.

"Hello honey". Inko replies in the kitchen.

"mom do you know about the trip my class is going to go on"? Izuku ask poking his head about half way up the stairs looking in the kitchen.

"Ya the school already sent me a E-mail about it and what the class is going to do".

"Oh alright cool then i'll be packing if you need anything from me".Izuku says walking into his room.

-----some time later while packing-----

"If I wasn't going on a "secrete"mission I wouldn't be bringing you but since i am i have no choice". Izuku says holding up his vigilante/hero outfit the fur coat one. As he says that he folds it then puts it in his suitcase. 

---10 minutes later-----

"Phew alright that's everything". Izuku says stretching then he plops down in his bed  ready for a quick nap but.


"huh who's calling me"? Izuku thinks as he reaches for his pocket and pulls out his phone he  first checks if its a contact number.

"Oh its Baby. Hey Momo what's up"?

"Not much i just called you to wonder if your actually  packing and not being a lazy ass".Momo says jokingly.

"hey since when am i a lazy ass"

"Do you really want me to answer that".Momo says.

" Uh..."

"hmph that's what I thought".Even though He can't see Momo face he can tell she grinning.

"Oh by the way Momo I need to talk to you about something it's about our trip".

"huh what is it"? Momo ask.

"Well its"...

---------somewhere at sun paradise-----------

"Has that group of students who the weaklings of the government ask to sent arrived yet"?

"No Light-Sama the haven't they will arrive tomorrow". 

"I see well when all the preparations are met lets show  the world of hero's an Event they will never forget".

"Understood light-sama our dreams will come to furition"




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