hero PvP

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Once in the air it didn't take long for the island to reveal itself to the passengers on the plane. The island looked liked any other tropical paradise you would of seen in any TV show. When flying over it you can see a Volcano in the northwestern part of the island and in the north you can see what looks like a stadium but something seems off about the stadium, Izuku was going to ask Momo or Kendo what was up about the stadium but the Captain of the plane decided to talk about it because it's quit unique of the culture on the island.

*Ding *dong*,"The is your captain speaking if you would look out the window you could now see our famous PvP arena. The PvP arena allows hero's or anyone with a quirk the capability to legally fight others in a boxing match in anyway with their quirks it's very popular here. Hero's from all around the world come here to test their skills against other hero's. You can even ask someone you know like a friend or enemy if they want to fight using their quirks, sometimes there a famous tournaments like the tournament of metamorphoses quirks which was held last Month."

"Wow i didn't even know there was something like that, I always thought you could never use your quirk let alone use it in a boxing match." Izuku says to Momo and Kendo who looked kinda shocked that he didn't know about it.

"WHAT! Your telling me that you didn't know about Quirk boxing?" Kendo asks Izuku who simply shakes his head that he didn't.

"Wow am kinda surprised myself, I don't watch it allot but I've seen a few fights like that metamorphoses tournament happened  the person who i was cheering for lost came in 3rd." Momo says to Kendo.

"I watch short clips all the time of  matches to see what moves new heros come up with, beside some of the boxers are hot". Kendo says which catches the couples attention.

"hmm are you into boxers kendo." Izuku asks with a evil grin.

"wh-what no i'm not i just said they h-hot". Kendo tries to deny it.

"Even i didn't see that coming". Momo replies.

"Sh-shut up."Kendo says to Momo and Izuku who both have evil grins on their faces.

"YO KIRISHIMA"! Izuku shouts out to the other side of the plane getting his attention.

"WHAT'S UP"?  Kirishima replies.

"DO YOU WANT TO TRY THE BOXING THING THAT THEY  HAVE HERE?"  Izuku ask  wondering if he would be ok with boxing.

"BOXING? THAT LAME". Kirishima replies.


"OH that ya i'm down to kick your ass in a Quirk boxing match." Kirishima says with a toothy grin.


"Want to bet on it buddy." Kirishima says.

"Yea i wou-."

"Shaddup your to damn loud." A yellow sleeping bag says  smacking Izuku over the head with a book that it was reading.

"Sorry sensei, wait were you reading instead of sleeping?" Izuku in complete shock that his sensei wasn't asleep.

"I was reading in my sleep but with your loud ass i couldn't and redhead your lucky your over there". AIzawa says staring at Kirishima who flinched.

"Uh i'm sorry as well sensei." Kirshima replies hoping to calm down AIzawa.

"Now if you excuse me." AIzawa says laying back down and closing his eyes. The 2 ladies that were sitting next to Izuku just giggled at Izuku for what he did.

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