Chapter 15

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     I tug my hood over my head and shove my hands in my pockets, shifting on my feet in effort to stay warm. I hear footsteps and turn to see Emmy running towards me. Her boots thud on the ground, and her breath puffs out in clouds above her scarf. She pulls it closer to her chin and tucks a box under her arm. "Hey, Henry."

     "Morning." I finger the bulging red envelope in my pocket.

     Emmy fumbles with the metal tin she carries. Her bare fingers slip across the lid, red with cold. She takes out a small bag and offers it to me. "I made these for you."

    I open the bag and find homemade cookies. "Thanks." Emmy watches expectantly as I bite into one. Chocolate spreads across my tongue. I lick my lips. "These are really good!"

     She beams and closes the cookie tin. "They are? I'm so glad!" She cradles the box to her chest. "It's my grandma's recipe. I made these for everyone to eat at lunch, but I, um," she stares at her feet. "I wanted to give you yours first."

     Her cheeks tinge pink, and she shivers in the cold. I clear my throat. "I actually have something for you, too." Emmy looks up in surprise as I hand her the envelope. I hold my breath as she tears it open. "It reminded me of you when I saw it, so..."

    Emmy opens the card, and something slips out. She crouches and lifts it from the ground before it rolls into a puddle. "Oh!" A small dog holding a valentine heart in its mouth dangles from her finger on a keychain. "It's so cute!" She immediately clips it to her backpack. "Thank you, Henry!"

     My cheeks flush. "No problem." I gesture to my gift as the bus pulls up. "Thanks for breakfast."

      Emmy gasps. "You haven't eaten yet?!"

     "I had a banana." I shrug and munch another cookie.

     She swats my arm. "That's not a meal."

     "I'm eating now, aren't I?" I hold up the bag to pacify her. Emmy sighs and climbs the stairs into the bus behind me, evidently deciding not to argue and plopping down in our usual seat, resting her backpack in her lap. She admires her keychain as I finish the cookies, humming a soft tune under her breath.

     She smiles, and I realize I'm humming along with her. "What song is it?" I try to cover up my blush.

     Emmy shrugs. "I don't know. I made it up." She continues with her melody, tugging at the little dog.

     I stare outside. We sit shoulder to shoulder—I can feel her warmth despite our coats. The fabric of our jackets brush against one another. Frost glistens on edges of the windowpane, shining cold in the sunlight. I turn, and Emmy's hand catches my eye.

    Her thin fingers lace together, still tinged pink as they seek warmth. She drums the lid of the cookie tin, and the rumble of the bus nearly drowns out the sound. I listen, my eyes drifting towards the window where the world passes us by.

     Emmy's song fills my ears—I don't think she even knows she's still humming—and I close my eyes, blocking out everything else. Her smile sticks in my mind as I drift.

    The taps of her fingers soon reaches my shoulders as I jolt awake. "Wake up, sleepyhead," Emmy stands over me. "We're at school."

     I stretch and follow her out, filtering through the crowd of people into the halls. She walks with a spring in her step, and the new keychain on her bag dangles cheerfully.

    I don't know why, but seeing the little dog twirling and the skips of her feet gives me the feeling that somehow, I've put a smile in her heart.

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