Chapter 24

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Jade stayed awake as she felt Perrie's chest slow and steady itself. Knowing she was asleep, Jade turned so she was facing her. Because of the couch's size, she was chest to chest to Perrie, their bodies touching, and faces only a couple of inches apart. Pulling the wool blanket over her shoulders, she laid a hand on the blonde's waist.

This wasn't her first time touching Perrie this way, it wasn't her first time sleeping with her, wasn't her first time feeling this way about her. She could feel the blonde's heart beating against her chest. And it didn't take long for her to realize that this is where she wanted to be. Right here in this moment, in Perrie's arms.

Laying her head on the blonde's shoulder, Jade allowed herself to drift off. For the first time in a really long time, she fell asleep all on her own without the pain staking memory overwhelming her.

The morning came too soon, with the biting cold waking Jade up. She snuggled into the couch, hoping she could get Perrie to hold her a little tighter, but the place next to her was empty. Jade opened her eyes, and had the sun sting her eyes. Looking up, she saw the blonde hovering over her.

"Here, it's the warmest thing I have." Perrie kissed the top of her head, and walked back to the kitchen.

Reaching for her delicates, Jade pulled on the sweater over her head. It came down to the middle of her thighs, and was a lot bigger than she was. Feeling half-decent, she walked barefoot to the kitchen and found Perrie standing by the stoves with a sweater and a pair of sweats on. "Smells great," she reached for the toast set on the plate in front of her.

"Omelettes are coming right up," Perrie smiled. "How'd you sleep?" She turned her head and saw Jade staring back at her, trying to hide a smile. "Look, last night was a big surprise to me too."

"Oh really? Come on. You're the one who invited me over to your place. Did you really just have Chinese on your mind?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I do remember that I stopped you last night telling you we could've stopped. You were the one ripping through my clothes."

Jade laughed, "Anyways,"

Perrie sat across from the brunette and pushed the plate in front of her. "Bon appetit."

"Should we talk about what happened?"

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"No. Yes. I don't know."

"Jade, I told you I loved you. I still do. And I'm still here. Last night, we both wanted it, and that's it. There's nothing more to talk about. And we can keep doing that anytime." The serious conversation turned light.

"Don't hold your breath," she laughed.

Jade got to work a little later than usual, receiving a skeptical glance from Camila when she walked in.

"According to the caller ID when you called, I was supposed to be talking to Perrie Edwards. What happened last night?"

"Nothing. I slept over."

Camila raised an intrigued eyebrow, "Did sleep actually happen?" She asked, following Jade like a puppy.

"My life is none of your business."

Camila squealed. "Oh my god! I am hating that I have errands to run, but as soon as I get back, I want the deets! Does this mean...?" She raised her eyebrows in question.

"It means that you get out of here before I fire you," Jade laughed.

But soon as the Cuban girl walked out, more walked in. "Hey! I need flowers for tomorrow night, and I thought who better to give them than you." Leigh-Anne chimed in, walking in with Jesy.

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