Chapter Eleven

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Ivy wakes up with Ben's hat still on. She gets out of bed but puts Ben's hat under her pillow and goes to take a hot shower. She turns the water on getting in. After putting shampoo and conditioner in her hair then washing it out she climbs out of the shower.

Ivy is nice a clean after her night with Ben. She wraps a towel on her head and one around her before leaving the bathroom. She pulls on a black outfit and heads downstairs. She hears noise coming from the living room and goes downstairs finding Slender with his tentacles out. He is holding Ben up by the neck choking him and Ben is trying to pry his tentacle off. "How dare you sleep with my daughter!" Slender yells at Ben. The others are just standing in the back not knowing what to do or if they should even go against Slender. They don't know Ivy is up yet.

Ivy runs over pulling a knife out of her pocket, that Ben gave her awhile back, cutting his tentacle. He drops Ben and she stands in front of him. The pastas are all wide eyed because no one would ever do that to Slender but they should have expected it from Ivy.

"Leave him be." She commands keeping her voice steady. She brings her wings and tentacles out. Slender keeps his tentacles out.

"Move Ivy. Let me kill him." He commands. Ivy doesn't move.

"I'm not letting you kill my boyfriend." Ivy has her arms up ready for if she has to fight. The towel fell from her hair and her hair is now covering her face. Ben is now standing behind her.

"Ivy, move or I will move you with force." Slender tells her. Her eyes have turned red with a slight black tint to them. "Now stand down Ivy and move."

"No. He is mine and that's settled." The guys are all watching this. Ivy tells Ben to his mind to leave. Slender slings her back but instead of her landing on the couch like he planned she went through the window. Ivy has a large glass shard in her left thigh. She shrinks her wings back into her back along with her tentacles. Ben ran outside to her before Slender could get him. He picked her up bridal style carrying her inside to the couch. He sits her down and tries to take the glass from her leg but she screams in agony every time he touches the glass. Masky and the others are around her but Slender teleported out of the room.

"Ivy you should have just let him kill me and you wouldn't have but hurt." Ben tells her.

"A little to late for that." She chuckles but just winces from pain. "I couldn't let him kill you."

"Fine but you're losing to much blood let me get the shard out." Ben commands trying to get the glass.

"If Jeff the fucking Killer can't kill me glass sure as hell won't be my end." Ivy says with a groan.

"You would've if Toby didn't step in." Jeff says.

"Shut it Jeff, I'm trying to make a point." Ivy says but just lies her head on the back of the couch. Sally is standing up on the couch looking at her. She just giggles a little. "Umm Sally? What are you giggling about?" Ivy asked not even bothering bringing her head up.

"Your eyes are pretty." Sally smiles still looking at her eyes. Ivy just raises her head up.

"What is she talking about?" Ivy asked. They are all looking at her eyes.

"Your eyes." Laughing Jack says.

"What color are they?" She asked.

"Purple." He tells her.

"That's new." Ivy thinks for a moment. "I have an idea." She kisses Ben. When she pulls away she ask what colors her eyes.

"Pink." LJ tells her. While LJ had her distracted Jeff pulls the shard from her thigh. She screams in agony. Her eyes quickly change to a violet red color. She holds her hand on the wound trying to keep from cussing him out. Masky went and got some bandages. He pulls her hand off her leg bandaging the wound.

"Umm Masky?" Ivy says.


"You might want to bandage my wings." She brings her wings out revealing medium sized shards of glass stuck in her wings. She stays sitting on the couch with them looking at her wings. They pull the shards from her wings with her yelping every time they pull a shard. Once Masky bandages her wings she puts them away to let them heal. She is leaning back on Ben groaning.

"Come on let's get you upstairs to lie down." Ben says before picking her up bridal style. She puts her arms around his neck.

"Oh goody stuck in bed. Yay." She says sarcastically before lying her head on his chest. "This day turned out just perfect." He walks upstairs putting her in bed to rest. He walks out leaving her to rest.

(Months later)

Ivy was forced to stay in bed until her leg healed up. About a month back Slender told Ben he had to break up with Ivy or else. He was waiting until she got better to tell her. That night Ivy and Ben were out in the woods holding hands she took him to the clearing where she goes with Offender.

"Ivy we need to talk." Ben tells her.

"What is it Ben?" She looks into his eyes and hers are pink with a blue tint. He can't tell her but he doesn't want to risk her getting hurt again. He has to break up with her.

"It's over Ivy. I'm breaking up with you." He tells her seeing her eyes change yellow.

"What? I thought you loved me." He wants to tell her why but he doesn't want her to be mad at Slender so he does the only thing thinkable. When she moved closer to him he pushed her down. He has to make it set in on her so she will leave him.

"I never loved you Ivy. I used you." It really hit her hard with what he was saying. He didn't want to say that stuff none of it was even true but he had to say something. Ivy's eyes start to tear up and she knew she was about to break down. Ben sees the tears swelling in her eyes knowing he went to far and she would never forgive him.

"I hate you Ben. I hate you!" She screams before running off. Ivy runs back to the mansion and into the front door. Masky, Hoody, Jeff, LJ, EJ, puppeteer, and Bloody Painter were all in the living room when she ran in. She didn't stop but just ran up to her room slamming the door and locked it behind her. The guys all go up to her door knocking on it.

"Ivy what's wrong?" Masky asked.

"Just go away!" She yells from behind the locked door. They could hear the sadness and hurt in her voice.

"Ivy open the door or we can kick it down." He tells her. She is just lying in bed with her face buried in the pillows. She uses a tentacle to open the door. The guys all walk in seeing her lying in bed with her face in the pillows. "What's the matter Ivy?" Masky sits on the side of her bed. She let's the tears flow from her eyes into the pillows.

"Ben broke up with me. He was just using me." She mutters into the pillows but they still heard her. Jill walks in her room when Ivy told them. She walks in with the other girls and they just push all the guys out of her room. Ivy sits up and they see she has red puffy eyes from crying. "I thought he loved me. He just used me." Jill sits on the bed in front of her hugging her. She cries into her shoulder.

(In Slender's office)

Ben is sitting in Slender's office. "I done as you commanded and broke up with her."

"Good." Ben is sitting there with his head down and blood swelling up in his eyes. He let's a bloody tear fall from his eye. Slender releases him from his office. Ben gets up walking out going to his room. He walks past Ivy's door hearing crying. It breaks his heart knowing he is the cause of her misery. Instead of going to his room he heads to the basement. Once downstairs Ben just puts his head on the wall before slamming his fist into the wall.

"Dick." Ben turns to see the guys sitting on the couch and some in the floor. It was Masky who called him a dick. "You do know you hurt her right? Or do you even care?" Masky starts giving him hell.

"I know," was all Ben said before walking over sitting in the floor. "I had my reasons." He tells them.

"Well it better be damn good considering she's in her room crying." Hoody tells him.

"Slender told me last month if I didn't break up with her then something bad would happen. I didn't want to risk it and get her hurt again."

"Why didn't you tell her that?" Bloody Painter asked.

"It's to late. She hates me now." Ben sits there feeling numb.

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