[9] Fatality

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"Are you heading to the library again?" Her uncle inquired, trying his best to sound as caring in public other wise he wouldn't be bothered to ask her in general. [name] didn't respond, knowing that it would lead to another pointless chat. Bud just wanted someone to keep a tight leash on Gideon, therefore he sponsored her a stay here in Gravity Falls. Although of all places he had to be, it had to be in this backwater dump of a town full of supernatural creatures. There wasn't anything wrong with these creatures, it's just... The only thing anyone should be wary of— is that stupid demon.

Tucking the book under her arms, [name] only wanted to do two things, and they were the only things she's ever abided by. First of all, she liked to be left alone. Absolute solitude, not a single soul by her side, and not that there will ever be a person. Secondly, [name] wanted— "Hey, it's you again! I will definitely convince you to be my friend!" The brunette girl exclaimed, getting real close and personal with our dear main character. 

[name]'s original neutral look poked into a frown, "I told you I'm not interested in being your friend." She meant every word of it. Yet how come this girl couldn't understand that? Everything she was telling her was going through one ear and out the other. Was she a total air head that couldn't understand basic common sense? 

"You haven't tried yet!" Mabel insisted, clinging onto the girl persistently. If there was anything tenacious about Mabel— it would probably be her ability to chase and persist in an ongoing war that would never end. "I've already said it nicely. Get lost." [name]'s tone was thinly veiled by her anger, shoving the girl to the side of her, and rudely colliding with her shoulders to head to the library. Mabel was dejected, being rejected once more by a girl that could've had the potential to befriend.

"Okay..." Mabel mumbled, staring at the fading back of [name].

[name] rubbed her forehead with her pointer finger and thumb, feeling exceedingly exhausted. Her mental social ability to talk with people have sincerely gone down low due to the fact that someone couldn't understand that she wasn't interested in the first place. The fact that she lost her train of thought was simply too good, [name] didn't even remember what she was thinking about earlier. 

Browsing through the shelves, [name] was searching if there was anything decently good to read or borrow so her uncle doesn't bug her again. A book in particular caught her eye, her hand reaching over this guy who was standing in front of the bookshelf. His head turning just in time to see [name] reaching over him to get a book, basically kabedon-ing him out of the blue. Though her focus was on the book rather than the boy. 

The guy flushed, seeing her up close despite not paying attention to him. With a brief glance at him, [name] turned her back to head over the check-out area. The guy sunk into his hoodie even deeper, unable to hide the burning sensation of his ears hot from seeing her so up close in such a open space. He lifts his sleeve to hide the hot blush on his face as he tries to ignore the fact that this was something that only happened in like animes. She didn't seem very tall, but the fact that she could reach above him so confidently— Urgh! Stop thinking about that. 

Robbie hoped that this wasn't going to be a reoccurring thing. 

[name] left the library the second she checked out the book, she figured she could drop it off back at the house, and then go somewhere else. Shoving her hands in her pocket, the eerie noises echoing through the woods on a broken path to her uncle's place, indicated that something wishy washy was going to happen. A small red pointy looking hat poked from its hiding spot, at first glance [name] didn't think much of it, until it multiplied. 

"Excuse me, miss!" One of them began to talk, coming into view as [name] paused in her tracks before resuming to pick up her usual pace. Ignoring the frantic call of the creature that was seeking for her attention. "Hey! Wait! Let's talk!" [name] pretended to not hear its voice, their frustration evident of another lack of miscommunication once more. Maybe she shouldn't go through this way if any more of these damn creeps would come chasing again. First it was that Smurf looking rejected elf and it was a gnome colony.

Gravity Falls certainly takes the icing off of the cake.

Just when she thought she wasn't going to get bothered, the rumbling sound of the ground and forest shaking as a large group of gnomes began to merge and create a bigger gnome. Their leader ushering them to catch up to her as [name] sighed. Couldn't they have bothered her on a different day instead of today? 

The gnomes slowed after blocking off her path, finally being able to force a conversation despite being ignored earlier. "Ahem, miss! I wanted to know if you could be our queen!" [name] stared at the one leader with a look of contempt and disdain. "I'll pass." The leader of the gnome waved his hands frantically, stopping her once again with a slightly aggressive tone in hopes she would be intimidated by them. "We're not giving you a choice! You have to be our queen! I mean think of the benefits!" It began to list off the benefits of being their only queen.

Finally, it ended with a last note. "You could command us because everything is for our queen!" [name] huffed, impatient as the leader began to babble on and on about her being a queen as for the rest of them— They all stared at her and their leader in hopes of an answer. The gnome even got excited as he pulled out a ring in hopes for her response. "What do you say, queen?" [name] reached over to her neck slowly, taking out the sigil that she rarely used as proof of her identity. 

Lifting the sigil, Jeff paled at the sight of it. "W-What's the meaning of this, queen?" His voice cracked at the end, everyone knew of that sigil. It was to signify the worse times of their lives back when they were forced into hiding. It was because of that person that they had to leave and stay out of sight. The self-proclaimed leader wanted a queen, but he didn't want a queen that was that particular person who caused every supernatural creature to live in fear. 

The breathy chuckle of [name] chilled their bodies down to the bones of their insignificant lives. "Are you done? You're not going to ask me to be your queen again, are you?" The gnome named Jeff frantically shook his head, "N-No! Definitely not!" His breath hitched in his throat as he watched her raise a brow at his immediate change of mind. "Oh? I suddenly don't deserve the title?" Trailing her fingers tauntingly on the sigil, Jeff felt like he shot himself in the foot. 

With an ugly smile on his face, "No no! You definitely deserve to be queen— b-but not our queen! We-We don't deserve someone who's higher above us!" Jeff was distressed, of all people, he really had that knack of an eye to pick the devil. Speaking of the devil...

"Oh-ho... Look at you, terrorizing the gnome population. You really didn't strike me as that type, [name]." The familiar maniac giggle of that dream demon really put another dent in her peaceful plans in hopes of wanting to read and enjoy the scenery. "You already know that and yet you still come to me so willingly, demon." [name] forego any pleasantries and stabbed him with her prickly words. The dream demon placed a hand on his chest where his heart should be, "Oh my! You're such a tease, [name]..." The purr of his tone disgusted her, further elevating her contempt for the demon.

The gnomes had long gone ran off, they didn't want to be apart of this battle. "Why not an update for your ol' pal, hmm?" The demon liked to tease his favorite person, seeing her reminded him how fun it was for that long lasting passion to go undisturbed. Not even the dumb time baby could stop him since he was practically akin to a god. In other words, if he wanted to really rule the world for his own entertainment— He wouldn't be playing with that Pine family and letting them live time and time again. 

So what if he plays like a fool and loses a few each time?

It didn't really matter because it got him closer to his ultimate goal.

The entire reason his obsession has gone too far;


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