[16] Spellbound

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[name] went to the strange looking trolls next, their long list of founding creators never ended as she stood in front of a mini golf course. Knocking lightly on one of the little courses, a small little troll coming out of the course in curiosity. "Hello little one." The teenager smiled, the moonlight highlighting the dark intention behind her polite smile. "..Hi." The small golf troll tensed up, feeling nervous as she approached it.

"Where's your leader?" [name]'s head tilted slightly to the right, her demeanor made the golf sized troll back up. "Um... Why?" 

"We need to have a talk." 

Bill Cipher, this name rings a bell in everyone who was aware of how dangerous he is. The simple addiction led him to an obsession that haunts him constantly. If he wasn't so interested in finishing the game with his old friends, he would be pursuing her. [name] was his. Don't get him wrong, he's addicted to the way she could hold herself down.

Bonus points; she's just like him

How unhinged and cruel could she be? Quite the exact down to the tee. If he were to put her in a pit of other survivors, would she give him the same entertainment and fire he had once seen by chance? Bill Cipher was a demon and he still is, but he needed this. The infatuation and the desire to overpower her under his control. 

The fixation to just press her down and watch her squirm.

How should he deal with her? Rip her apart? No, that's so boring. It'll ruin the fun he had been chasing for a long time... Centuries, centuries, he had been waiting for her to slip up and fall right into his hands. Crush her, tear her limb to limb, let her sink under the pretense of his adoration. His obsession.

Should he let his friends toy with her? Anything, he wanted to play. Oh god, the thought of seeing her so pressed— excites him

How far could he push her to break down? Would she cry and beg him for mercy? Pick apart her mind and body until she's bruised and broken? There's so many ways to think of seeing [name] to act like a puppet under his commands. Perhaps he was thinking too far in the game, but he's never lost to anyone. Well, perhaps a few losses here and there, but eliminating them didn't pose a threat to him since he could just change the past and shape the future to his liking.

He was looking forward to this game of theirs. 

Gideon suspected something was off when it came to Bill and his cousin [name]. The little white haired twerp knew they had a connection after several dealings with the demon. Yet, he couldn't pry any secrets out without being scammed by the demon by a hundred folds. Should he stick his nose in a business that could cost him his life or... seek the truth and still suffer repercussions? 

Either way usually ends up in a terrible situation. Gideon hesitates, his mind lingering on whether or not to jump into the fray and suffer— "You know, you're not very good at hiding your thoughts, kid." The dream demon's words echoed in his mind, causing him to stiffen as he had forgotten that Bill could read his mind easily. 

"What? So nervous now?"  The obvious teasing tone told Gideon that Bill was in a good mood. Did it have to do with his cousin by any chance? Maybe the answer was written all over his face as Bill gave him the answer regardless. "It does involve her, [name] is certainly one of a kind." Gideon shuddered, not liking how dark and sinister Bill sounded as if he ate kids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Well... He probably did just for fun.

"Curious about your sweet cousin, [name]?" Bill teased, emphasizing the word sweet cousin on purpose as if he found that adjective humorous. It was clear that [name] was anything, but sweet for that matter. Though, it wasn't like Gideon was gonna correct Bill on that topic in the first place since he was aware he wouldn't win in the slightest. 

Physically, he was as weak as a new born chick, barely able to do anything without having to rely on someone to support him. Yes, he was curious. But curious people often ended up dead or half alive. 

"I don't have anything I want from you, really." Essentially, the demon just called him all out of usefulness. A tool to discard. Gideon had served his purpose so far and that was only just the beginning of it. "[name], well, a cruel little thing she is." Bill started off slowly, amused as he didn't have the need to fully explain everything about her to this simpleton of a human. 

"She and I, are quite alike. Cruel? Perhaps she's even crueler than me." The triangle painted her in a bad light, not that Gideon would possibly believe that 50% of it being true. Anything Bill Cipher says is either a lie or a half truth, Gideon could most likely attest to that for sure. "How... cruel? Who is she exactly, Bill?" The white haired midget meekly asked, his voice all quiet and whispery. 

If he feared anything between his so-called 'cousin' or Bill Cipher; well that wouldn't be known to all since they're about the equal amount. Bill was his partner, temporarily of course. That demon would betray him within a heartbeat once he found someone more useful and equally entertaining than someone who wasn't. Even though he was the lowest of the low of henchmen worthy, he was still... useful at some point. 

Bait or not, Gideon would need to know who to pick his allies as eventually. Whether they were good or not, his faux charms wouldn't save everyone no matter how dangerous the situation gets each time.  

Just how it always ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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