[14] Inconvenience

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Her head was hurting, [name] was honestly going to hurt one of them at this point from the fact that they kept using that cursed measuring tool to go back and forth in time hopping. Holding her head in pain, Robbie seemed concerned that she wasn't feeling well. He came back with a snow cone, offering it nicely to [name] who takes it. "...Thanks." [name] tries to ease her headache back as she eyes at the panda-duck creature again with a sudden impulse to not play it anymore.

Robbie's gaze deters elsewhere with a small noise, the two standing awkwardly in the middle of the poorly crafted amusement park. [name] approaches Wendy with Robbie in tow as [name] watches the situation between that time traveler and the twins go from neutral to bad real fast. Robbie and Wendy talk for a bit while [name] tries to focus on rubbing the headache away, being pushed back to rewind time several times would give anyone a headache.

This sense of deja vu doesn't sit well knowing that she had been affected by it multiple times. [name] carried the icy treat to go sit somewhere to ease the migraine that's hurting her head, mostly ignoring the fact that there was a nuisance lingering in the back. Throwing the sweet ice treat at a tall light-skinned man with short dirty blonde hair, the snow cone smacks right onto his head as he swerves over in the direction where the treat was thrown from.

Lolph growled, wanting to find the culprit to who did that as the twins, his partner Dundgren, and Blendin was watching with confusion. His head turning to meet [name]'s eyes as she tilts her head with a neutral look on her face, a poker look that left him confused whether if she was the culprit or not. Her chin was placed on her palm, looking like any other NPC waiting around this stupid carnival.

"Let's go." Dundgren's voice broke through Lolph's thoughts as he wiped the snow cone residue off of him, annoyed that the culprit escaped. Though Lolph was sure that it was her... His eye kept going back towards her, but the target system couldn't come up with anything meaning that it wasn't sure. The odd thing was that Lolph was so busy trying to find the culprit, he didn't question why the target system couldn't bring up any data about [name] who was 'from here' essentially.

Gideon approached his cousin, awkwardly giving her some cotton candy that he bought. "Um... Here." [name] looked up, taking the candy floss with a raised brow as Gideon was full of merch and food from enjoying amusement park. [name] reached over at pat his head with a shrug, slightly half-assed. "Had fun?" Gideon nodded, feeling slightly happy the fact that he did this with pure intentions. He wanted to get along with his cousin, the person living in the same house as he was.

A shout coming from the direction opposite, prompts Gideon and [name] to look over to see Robbie's skinny jeans shrink and everyone laughing at him. The day comes to an end and [name] sends Gideon back home while she goes off to pull in some favors with... certain creatures that owe her a thing or two.

"Only the purest form of a human can gain hair from us," The unicorn flaunted its magical hair in front of her, [name] who found this eyesore to be a nuisance. "I'll make you bald if you keep blocking my way, you oversized rat." [name]'s lips pressed into a hard line, unimpressed by the jumping meatball in front of her. The unicorn was offended, finding her words rude especially about its weight and what it was. "Don't you know with that attitude, you wouldn't be able to gain any of my luscious hair?!"

[name] was about to put all unicorns into extinction if their leader wouldn't come out now. "I don't care about your hair." Her tone flat, uncaring as the unicorn was sure that she was just playing hard to get and actually aimed for their hair by pretending she wasn't interested. Unicorn hair was useless, why would she bother go all this way to talk to one of them when she could just strip them everything, including their life.

If that thing doesn't roll out here and prostrate in front of her right now- Her jaw clenched to hide her irritation as she was considering whether or not to kill this unicorn that was still prancing around in front of her arrogantly. [name] peered at the fledging in front of her, wondering what might be the best way to kill this thing or perhaps torture it as a warning. "Well? Only those of the purest form of a belief from humans can take some of my hair. You aren't worthy of a title-"

The unicorn was knocked to the side by a group of unicorns that were protecting the regal looking unicorn in the middle. "Human, why are you-" The regal unicorn froze, seeing the familiar symbol resting on [name]'s neck as she continued to ponder whether or not to kill them into hiding again. The guards were restless, some of the older generation knew that this wasn't a person to treat lightly and the younger generation were ignorant of [name]'s identity.

The leader of the unicorn, all unicorns admired their leader's elegance could only be seen bowing its head towards [name]. Gasps and elicit shock running through the younger generation's minds as the elders of the group have also lowered their heads, their legs trembling in fear. "Oh? So you all know how to actually be respectful." [name] slowly spoke, her voice was the same that struck fear in their hearts centuries ago.

"After not being here for a while, I find that the younger generation of unicorns have gotten so bold..." The contempt in her tone made the leader flinch as it turned its head towards the fledgling that offended [name], forcing it to apologize to this guest. The youngling couldn't understand why the leader wanted it to apologize to a human of all things. "Do it! Apologize if you value your life!" One of the high elders hissed, pushing the fledgling forward to mercy.

The fledgling bowed its head, shaking as it asked for forgiveness from [name] who stared at them with a rather bored look on her face. "You don't sound very sincere from your words alone. You must be even wondering, 'why is the leader so scared? There are more than us to defeat her.'" [name]'s head tilted slightly, a dark look in her [e/c] eyes. "Do you dare? Ask the leader if it dares to confront me. I'm sure it knows what could happen... like the 'Great Purge'?" The light teasing tone made the elder generation flinch, not wanting to relive through those memories again.

How could they forget those memories of running? Being hunted until the borderline of extinction? "Is this what you teach the fledglings these days? Hmph... I'm not in the mood to play history." Taking a step forward, [name] murmured gently yet loud enough for all of them hear her next words.

"I've come for the debt you owe me."

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