[13] Solicit

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[name] had been keeping an eye on that person, the one changing things around to clean after the twins' messes. It had been a while since she has seen those... background characters. The extras. The ones that need to silently do their job or else their positions were stripped and gone into some unknown void. Watching Robbie walk off with Wendy felt as if she finally got rid of one person to deal with and without handling things her way. 

Her [e/c] gaze flickered over to the twins and that... time-traveler. Seeing the time traveler working under that stupid baby brought back faint memories of how she could still remember the time she sent them running at the mere thought of her in the same space as them. Their faces contorted in either sick fury or helplessness. Most of her thoughts consisted in revisiting the times [name] was once fierce and greatly renowned. 

But ever since she had been nursing her injuries, these people have forgotten how cruel she could be. With the world smashing into a dull color of black and white, the monotonous world brought [name] another set of headaches to follow after. "I can't come visit my favorite human?" Bill pretended to sound upset, his hand on his... what seemed to be his heart or chest. 

"You wound me, [name]. Can't you appreciate your ol' pal, Bill Cipher? One day... you'll be asking me for help." His hand clamped onto her shoulders, her face stoic— devoid of showing any reaction as the dream demon was searching for originally. "Maybe even begging." His hysterical tone gets higher and higher as he emphasizes the future look on herself in one of the many possibilities. "Get lost." [name] scoffed, eyeing the demon with disinterest. "Whatever game you're playing, I don't care for it." 

The yellow triangle lets go of her shoulders, slightly slumping as he couldn't find any way to shake her strong will. That didn't really stop him though, he loves a challenge. "Don't you ever want to go back into the business? Hunting and risking your life?" Bill murmurs gently, nipping at the outer shell of her ear. [name] wouldn't want to know where and how he used that mouth that he doesn't even have— to come nip her. 

[name] swatted him away, "I have stuff to do. Go find someone else to play your games." Walking away from the floating nuisance, [name] didn't have to go that far to leave the dream world as it faded from her view. For now, all she had to do was observe the time traveler and those twins who were busy making a fool of things. Entertainment was something so rare she had come across, she would use it to her advantage to ring in a favor from that big headed baby.

"Nothing is right, Mabel... Everything is now different." Dipper lamented, his shoulders slumped as he watched Robbie and Wendy now go out with each other. Dipper was jealous, envious that Robbie took the chance under his nose— If it weren't for that— That guy that bumped into him! Mabel plays around with the new friend she won, ignoring her brother temporarily as she couldn't believe that she found her best companion.

Dipper couldn't believe it, if he saw that guy... He ought to give him a piece of his mind. "Mabel... Do you ever wish to go back in time to undo a mistake?" Mabel shook her head, "Nope! I do everything right, all the time!" Hugging the 15 lbs pig in her arms as she squeezed it tightly to show her excitement for winning her newest friend, "Woohoo!" 

Her twin sat up with a tone full of despair, "If it weren't for Robbie conveniently being there with a snow cone then I could've came back in time and it would have been me!" Dipper's gaze nearly falters until he spotted the guy who ran into him first, "It's you! If it wasn't for you! You ruined my life!" The guy who was caught by Dipper flinched, frantically trying to hide himself. "I— I don't know what you're talking about." 

Mabel perks up, saying something about his shiny head without a speck of hair coating the top. The guy freaks out, "Oh shoot! Uhh! My position has been compromised! Memory wipe!" His stealth belt fails as he attempts to throw a memory wipe at Mabel, only it ends up as a baby wipe which smacks down onto the ground uselessly. "Are you from the future or something?" Mabel inquired, finding this development interesting for a change. 

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