Lesson Ten

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Lesson Ten - It's Lonely At The Top. That's Why A Bugatti Has 2 Seats And A Bus Has 50.

I take a moment to think. Was he actually serious?

"Did I just hear to you right?" I looked at Riker like he had two heads. There was no way he was serious right now. Riker and me teased each other and got on each other's last nerve but never before have we actually asked favours off one another.

Never mind something like this. Did he really think I would help him in the first place?

I had better things to do with my life than get in the middle of their petty arguments.

"Hard of hearing princess ?"

Glaring at him I turned in my seat slightly so that I could look at him head on. "Is that anyway to talk to someone, when you're asking them for a favour?" I turned to look out the window this time trying to block out the rest of this conversation.

We were only half way to my house so I knew my little plan wouldn't work. Not that I expected it too in the first place.

"You need to send him back to what ever hell hole he came from." Riker's voice was hard and there was doubt in it that he was anything but serious. He really did want me to get rid of Zane, I don't even understand why he thought I had that kind of power to begin with.

Scoffing I looked at him like all of this was a joke. "What ever is going on or happened between the two of you is between you and him. I want no part of it. One of you is my ex boyfriend the other is an annoying dick who just seems to get in my way."

With my own words I just realised how closely connected too these two I was. That was a dangerous place to be and I needed to start distancing myself from the both of them.

After all I had my own future to think about and having two guys that are on the wrong side of the law wasn't what I needed.

The paparazzi were already on my families cases most of the time I didn't need to add anything else to their hit list.

"I'll tell you what is in the file."

With that one sentence he was able to get my attention completely. Looking at him carefully I tried to work out if he was lying to me or not. Curiously was something that I was born with and I knew it was going to get me in serious trouble someday.

Maybe it already was getting me in trouble seeing as Riker knew just what buttons to push. I give him credit he knew me better than I thought he did.

That was a dangerous thing.

The man in front of me sure knew how to get my attention that was for sure.

We had stopped at a red light and he pulled out a cigarette and was about to light it when I took it off him. He looked at me with surprise before rolling his cloud grey eyes.

"Don't tell me your one of those girls that is going to go on about how it's a cancer on a stick."

Taking the lighter off him I lit it myself and started to inhale a drag. Now this wasn't something I normally did anymore and it was a bad habit that I done for a while. Now though I normally only did it when I had wanted to prove a point. Frankly I did take it off him because the smell of it did bother me but after his comment I just wanted to prove a point.

I just loved doing things that people never expected me to do. It was like a drug I could never get enough of when I seen their reactions.

Of course I made sure to put the window down. If there was one thing that really got to me when I used to smoke was the smell that lingered after. Plus as much as Riker annoyed me I would always respect a car.

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