Lesson Twenty-One

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Lesson Twenty-One - One Day Or Day One. It's Your Choice.

"What's wrong with you?"

Riker looked up at me and rolled his striking grey eyes before flicking the cigarette away. His grey top was tight allowing me to see every outline of his body.

"What do you want?"

I looked at him with a raise eyebrow. Even when we weren't what you would call friends he never talked to me with such bite. Clearly something wasn't right. First Sky and now Riker today just wasn't a good day and it wasn't even 9 o'clock yet.

"Put a condom on darling, if you're going to act like a dick you might as well dress like one."

He straightened up leaning against the wall and a could see a small smirk but I knew he was trying to hide it. Normally he didn't try to hide his amusement but this time he did, to me that was sign that he was having a inner battle with himself. Or that he was pissed at me. Though I couldn't think of anything that I've done.

"Darling? Didn't think that would've been a word of yours."

I shrugged. I wasn't going to lie it was heading into October and it was getting pretty cold. I hugged my arms around myself. I was only wearing a crop top and ripped jeans with boots. Definitely the wrong choice of outfit.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked ignoring his comment. As much as I hated to admit it we were starting to become friends and the one thing everyone knew about me when it came to my friends, I would do anything for them.

He pushed himself off the brick wall and sighed. "You don't want to know princess."

"What so you're just going to lie to me?" I didn't like it when people didn't tell me the truth and that's all people seemed to be doing to me these days.

He gave me a pointed look. I looked how his grey eyes reflexed off the sun. I've never seen eyes like his before. That's probably why they captivated me so much. If felt like I was drowning in them every time I looked into them. I had a feeling he knew what effect they had on me "It's not lying if I don't tell you anything."

He had a point. If he said nothing he wasn't lying. He just wasn't telling me, there was a difference.

"Something is bugging you though."

He looked at me carefully and slowing I seen his wall start to come down and he ran his hand through his dark brown hair. The tattoos on his arms bulged as he flexed his muscles. He looked like he was breaking.

"You're putting up front to the rest of the world right now aren't you?"

"One of my closest friends was killed last night."

He caught me off guard. I didn't actually expect him to say anything. I didn't expect him to speak never mind anything else. I could see it in his eyes, the rest of the world needed him to be strong but right here, right now leaning against that wall he was having a moment. A moment that I feel like I was interrupting.

"I'm-" but he cut my off before I could speak.

"Don't tell me you're sorry. You didn't know him and you didn't do it so don't say that." There was more bite in his tone than he probably meant but I took it. I knew he didn't mean to. He was clearly angry.

"I wasn't going to say that." I said carefully. I didn't want to be the one to set him over the edge. I wasn't scared of him, for some reason I knew I never could be scared of him. I just didn't want to be the one to say something that would make him do something reckless. He clearly wasn't in a good mindset and with the position he held in his family one wrong choice of his could make war for us all. "I was just going to say I'm going to leave you to it. You clearly want to be left alone."

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