Lesson Twenty-Nine

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Lesson Twenty-Nine - Be Unstoppable.

"Is that Lyra Anderson?" Asked one of the girls that were standing around my car as I got out. She rested her hands on the front of my car and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"If I was you I'd be quick to take your hands off my car." I felt Riker put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a warning to cool it. I didn't care though, no one touched my cars.

"Yep without a doubt that's Damon sister, alright." One of the guys stepped forward and held out his hand for me to shake. He was tall at 6 foot with tattoos running up his arms. He had a cheeky boyish look and feel about him. I had a feeling we would become close friends. "My names Archer and this is Zoe." He said pointing behind him to the girl that was scowling at me.

"Lyra." I said shaking his hand confirming what they already knew.

"I hear you used to be one hell of a street racer. Zane told us all in the end that you were the masked racer. I must say you have gotten yourself out of some situations before and still won."

I shrugged grinning. It was good to be known for something other than my money and family.

"Nice car." He said with a whistle as he looked it over. "Want to pop it open so I can see?"

I pulled the leaver and he pushed the hood of the car open and his eyes lit up like Christmas. "The whole engine is redone and customised that's some serious power you've added to it." He then looked me over. "You think you can handle it?"

I rolled my ice blue eyes at him. "Of course I can handle it, I built it." I lowered the hood of the car again and closed it over.

"You built this?" He looked so shocked at my comment.

"Of course she did, she rebuilt all the cars we drive." I didn't have to turn around to know it was my twin brother Damon who spoke. He was walking over to us with his hands in his pockets. "Can I talk you, dear sister." His voice was sickly sweet.

Me and Damon hadn't spoken to each other from the stand off in my room. In fact I hadn't even seen him. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was still pissed with me but there was something else he wanted to talk about.

"I'll be back guys."

I walked away with my brother until we were in a quiet spot by ourselves. A girl sent my brother a wink as she walked past and I watched as he looked at her ass as she swayed her hips. He was so easily distracted, like always.

"What do you want, dear brother?" I asked mocking what he had said to me only moments ago.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He growled out after his attention snapped back to me.

"Racing what does it look like? Riker said he needed my help and who am I to pass up the opportunity to be the hero." I said acting innocent. I knew I wouldn't get it past him through, he was my brother. My twin brother, he knew me better than anyone.

"If Zane sees you here he's going to lose his shit."

I scoffed moving out of the way of a group of friends that were trying to get past us. "Does it look like I give a flying fuck what he thinks or does anymore?"

"You know he did everything the way he did it to try and protect you Lyra. He wanted to make sure you could walk away at any moment."

His voice was low and with the loud music in the background it was hard to hear him but I heard every word.

"Having me half in, half out like that was the reason he almost got me killed so many times. Damon you know better than anyone that you can't be in this life half-assed."

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