Lesson Forty

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Lesson Forty - Lead By Example.

I had chosen to drive my Mclaren P1 and not my baby. I couldn't take it if I seen my baby get injured again after Riker had given it a beaten not that long ago. I could've just paid for a new one in all honesty but it was my number one car and as rich as I was nothing could replace that.

Driving down my mile long drive way I watched as the gates opened in the distance the guard clearly seeing my car speeding down the driveway. My father must have told him to let me go because I was sure he had been given the orders to keep me in here before that as well. Through the tinted windows I could see the slightly older man wave as I quickly drove by. He probably knew what I was up to along with the rest of the house.

What I couldn't get out of my head though was my fathers breakdown. He had told me the truth about me, Damon and our mother and as I said earlier I wasn't surprised at all. What I couldn't get out of my head though was what was the point in telling us now. He and my mother had went seventeen years of my life without telling me. They could've took it to their graves after all it didn't seem our real mom was going to show up anytime soon. If at all, and that was the way I wanted to keep it. I didn't need her in my life. I had everybody and everything I needed as messed up as my family was.

As I was lost in my own thoughts I hadn't expected what would come next. I looked down at the screen on my car automatically looking at the time when I seen a face staring back at me that I had not expected to see. In my shock the car swerved slightly and my heart beat at a faster rate as I got the car under control again. Just as a car on the other side of the road drove past beeping its horn at me.

"That is twice you have done it to me and you really need to stop it before you get me killed."

Zoe grinned at me through the screen like a child who just pulled of a successful prank. I hadn't seen or talked to her since my race. A race that I probably shouldn't have done as a favour for Riker. "Do you have any idea how lucky I am that you got into this car? Any other car and I wouldn't have been able to get your location."

I looked down at her quickly before looking back at the road confusion all over my face. "What are you on about? Why do you need to know where I am?"

"Wait and see." With that the screen went blank and the cars whole engine cut off.

"No, No, No, NO!" I slammed my hands against the steering wheel as I watched the car slowly come to a stop giving me enough time to just about get it off the road. I couldn't believe she had hacked into my car. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. This was Riker's doing I just knew it. He was always butting into things that didn't have anything to do with him.

Hearing a car engine pull up beside me I but down my window to see that Riker was grinning at me from his car. I wasn't at all surprised to see him. I was going to murder him though.

"What the fuck did you do?" I growled not at all in the mood for his shit or tricks.

He rolled his eyes and unlocked his car. "Just get in Princess, we have your mom to find."

"I don't need your help so tell your little friend to stop with the shit she did to my car and we can both go our own way."

I watched as Riker got out of his car and walked over to the door of my own car. He was wearing black jeans and a black top. He blended into the darkness of the night well and I wasn't going to lie he looked good with his tanned skin and tattoos standing out.

He opened my car door and leaned over me to unhook my seat belt. I was in that much shock that I wasn't even able to say anything until he was dragging me out of my car by my arm.

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