Lesson Twenty-Two

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Lesson Twenty-Two - Some Are Lost In The Fire. Some Are Built From It.

"Lyra, you know I can't afford anything. My parents have cut me off completely you know that." Sighed Sky as she set down a dress she was just admiring a few seconds ago.

It had been almost a week since the face to face with her parents. It took me a few days to get her to get out of bed and today was the first time I actually got her out of the house. She was starting to look better than she did. Her eyes were more alive and she didn't look like a walking zombie. She was starting to look more like her beautiful normal self.

"This is why I have this." I said holding up a credit card as I still scanned through the rails with my other hands.

"I can't spend your money Lyra." Her voice was quite probably making sure no one around us heard. The word didn't need to know about her business. After all it would be all over the news if they did.

I looked at her with a grin on my face as I placed the card in her hand. "This isn't mine it's yours. My dad told me to give it to you. He said to use it when ever you want."

Sky looked shocked with the card sitting on the palm of her hand. Frankly I was waiting for someone to run past and grab it. It was directly links to my dads money. Imagine the spending spree you could have with that.

"I can't accept this." She tried to shove the card back at me but I just kept stepping away from her holding up my hands. There was no way I was taking that back.

"Just take it Sky. You need your own stuff anyway. I love you and all but you've got to stop stealing my clothes. There's a reason I enjoy being the only girl in my family."

Sky laughed and put the card in her purse. "I don't think you would do to well with a sister."

I shrugged and lifted a dress of the rail. "I have you, you're as close to a sister as I want to get."

"Thank you." Her voice was soft and I looked at her. I could seen the genuine gratitude on her face and I don't think anyone had ever looked at me like that before. I normally ruined people's lives. Not help them out.

I waved her off getting uncomfortable with the situation. She knew I didn't like cute moments like that. It just made me uncomfortable. I'm sure I wasn't the only one in the world though.

"Don't worry about it." I picked up another dress and threw it at her. "Let's find the stuff you're going to spend that money on."


A few hours later and we were sitting in the food court looking at the many bags we had. I didn't really think this through if I was honest. There was now to many to carry and people were looking at us like we had a shopping problem. I didn't have a shopping problem, the only reason I ever went shopping was because of Sky, she loved it. Almost all of them was hers.

She didn't like the thought of buying the clothes with her own card so I did it with mine. Though she did put up a fight each time saying she didn't need anymore or that it was too expensive. I didn't listen though of course.

"I need to get a job or something." Said Sky making me scoff. She was playing with the lid of her bottle of water in her own world

"I don't think minimum wage would suit you." I took another bite out of my burger and moaned in happiness.

"I bet I could make you moan better than that."

I looked over my shoulder to see that it was Riker who had whispered into my ear. Of course it was him. He just didn't seem to know how to leave me alone these days.

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