Lesson Thirty-Three

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Lesson Thirty-Three - Be Loyal To Your Future Not Your Past.


My name came out as smooth as silk from Riker's mouth as he caught my attention. As my eyes snapped to him I could see he was giving me a pointed look to shut up. For the first time I noticed that we weren't in here alone with my brother. The paparazzi was here too. Shit.

There cameras were flashing at us as they took the three of us in. I had clearly walked into something I shouldn't have. The future heir of the Anderson empire should not be here holding her brother against the glass window.

I groaned internally. I couldn't wait to see the news tomorrow my dad was going to kill me before I could even explain.

"Lyra is there something going on between you and your brother?" Asked one of the reporters. "Is there a storm happening in the Anderson house?"

I put on my best fake smile in front of them. "Nothing is happening in our family, we are all getting along like always."

"There is reports of you and twin brother having issues with your mom. Is it true youse don't get along."

I was really starting to hate this bitch of a reporter in front of me. I could see the sly grin on her face like she knew more than she should and she probably did. All they did was get into your business.

"Me, Damon and our mom have always got on. In fact we were planning on going to lunch with her tomorrow weren't we Damon."

I looked at my brother with a pointed look almost daring him to refuse in front of these reporters. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. He was pushed into a corner and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Yes of course." He said while clearing his throat. "We are going to lunch with our mom tomorrow." I could hear his hate at saying the word mom but I prayed the reporters didn't. Judging from there reactions they didn't notice. 

"The Anderson family as been under the radar since your mom announced her engagement and marriage to Riker Kennedy's father. I'm sure the public would love an interview with you all don't you think?"

Looking at bitch's camera man I could see the red light on the camera. This was live. I was completely caught off guard and backed into a corner.

Then I did something that I would probably completely regret as soon as this was over.

"Yes why don't you come....." I waited for her to say her name.


"Holly. Me, Damon and my mom would be more than happy to give you an interview tomorrow." I almost thought my face was going to crack with the fake smile currently covering my face.

"What about you Riker?" She asked. Riker though looked completely natural. It was almost like he knew this was coming. This man was always five steps ahead of everyone.

"What about me?" He asked with a natural smirk on his face. I could see him look the woman up and down not even hiding it making me roll my eyes. 

"Are you going to come tomorrow? After all she is your new mother in law." I could see her bar her eyelashes at him making me roll my eyes. What did this bitch think was going to happen.

"I'd be more than happy to." Riker threw his arm over my shoulder catching me off guard which wasn't the first time tonight.

"Great." Said Holly as she turned and faced the camera to speak but I completely blocked her out as I turned to face my brother.

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