Lesson Forty-Six

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Lesson Forty-Six - They Try To Defeat What They Can't Beat.

Oliver never took his deep dark haunting eyes off me. For a normal girl his gaze might have told me to back off and hide behind the guys like a little girl. I was Lyra Anderson though and it did nothing but piss me off. The sadness I had felt earlier was long gone for Zane's parents it was replaced with anger, anger that was directed to the man in front of me right now. How could he murder his own brother without a sign of regret. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to my brothers on my watch never mind kill one of them. No matter how much I threaten to sometimes.

As for Sky's parents they were standing at Oliver's side with blank expressions. It was clear they had picked a side in a war that didn't even involve them in anyway to begin with. They had some explaining to do that was for sure. All that kept running through my mind though was how was I meant to tell Sky what they were doing. Or even what they had done.

"What are you doing with Oliver?" I asked them hoping that there was a simple explanation and that I wouldn't have to go home and tell Sky that her parents were now the enemy. It was one thing for your parents to cut you out of your life it was another to hear what they were truly capable of.

"We have been promised some things and we plan on delivering our side of the deal." Responded Mr Wilson like he didn't even care about what he was doing to get what he wanted. This man had always been crazy about growing in power. For a man that had started from the bottom you would think he would be more humble. He was no such thing.

"By getting involved with killers."

He narrowed his eyes at me and Oliver let out a deep chuckle almost like I just said the funniest joke. "What we are doing kid is nothing worse than what Zane and Riker have done in their lives. It's about time you face the reality of what it's like to be close to these two. The type of pain they really bring on the people in this City."

"You killed two innocent people."

"Is that meant to justify what they have done?" Asked Oliver and I knew he was trying to turn my own words against me. I wasn't stupid I know Riker and Zane weren't innocent I knew the reality of that better than anyone. I have seen the things Zane can do and I'm sure Riker was worse.

"Plus." Said Oliver speaking again. "We both know Zane's parents weren't innocent. They were the leaders of a gang. They were going to get killed at some point."

I couldn't believe how easily he was dismissing his own brothers death like it was nothing. Like they didn't spend years growing up with each other. Years of sharing the same house and the same goals in life.

"They were my parents! I get what you did to my father he was no saint, but my mother kept out of this life as much as possible and you knew that. Yet you still shot her down were she stood."

Zane took a step closer to his uncle but Oliver raised his gun to his nephew a blank look on his face. I knew that face, he wouldn't have a problem taking down Zane as well. It set me on edge and I didn't like that feeling. Me and Zane had our difference in life but we would always be there for each other no matter what path we went down in life.

Oliver shrugged and a sick grin crossed his features. "She screamed."

"You're sick in the head."

Oliver's attention turned to me once more this time pointing the gun in my direction, I didn't flinch though. I expected this to happen, I wanted this to happen. The man clearly had it out of me and he was more than willing to kill his own blood so I wasn't surprised when I thought about the things he would do to me. What I didn't expect though was his grin when the boys pointed their guns at him.

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