Chapter 5 ~ Sunrises

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I awoke early in the morning to a knock at my door. I must've slept through the night, I guess I was really tired. I sat up in my bed, hearing another knock.

"Come in!" I shouted, not wanting to get up. The door creaks open and Erik's head pops in.

"I'm ready when you are." He said, closing the door behind him. I groggily got out of bed to change. I saw in the drawer a grey sleeveless hoodie and matching grey sweatpants. It was pretty early, around 6 am. I thought Erik would start a little later.

Once I changed I left my room. Erik was patiently waiting in the hall. He was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants too, both a light grey. I assumed it was a team thing. It was still dark, and no one else seemed to be awake.

"Why are we starting so early?" I whispered to him.

"Because I want you to see something." He responded, taking my hand and pulling me along the dark halls. I lost track of where we were for a moment. I didn't know the area yet, and there were so many twists and turns in the long corridors that it got confusing.

Eventually, we reached two double doors that lead outside. We walked out, and Erik sat on the stone steps. I was unsure of what was happening.

"Sit. I don't bite." He told me. I listened to him, taking a seat at his side.

"So what are we-"

"Shh. Just watch."

Slowly, the darkness in the sky faded into pinks and oranges, with purples lining the clouds. It looked like it has been hand-painted, it was truly beautiful. It had been a long time since I actually sat down and enjoyed a sunrise.

"Our mutations are like this sunrise." He explained, pointing at the clouds.
"It's something so beautiful, and every single one is unique in its own way." He sighed.

"Most people don't get the chance to see it for what it is." Erik finished, leaning back against the rail.

We watched the sunrise in silence for a bit until it started to get brighter out.

"If you don't mind me asking," Erik began. "What happened between you and your mother before we found you?"

I looked over at him. "We got into a fight, and I left." I told him.

"Why did you leave?"

"Because I didn't want to hurt her again."


I didn't respond at first. I was still a little unsure if I should tell him. I hadn't told anyone yet.

"During our fight, I hurt her Erik. She was so scared. Scared of me. And I was scared of myself."

"What happened?" I avoided eye contact. Erik got a bit closer, his soft eyes meeting mine.

"What happened?" He repeated, quieter this time.

"The entire town went out. When the lights came back on, she was kneeling on the ground, holding her head in pain. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, I-" Erik never broke eye contact. "I rushed her to the hospital afterward. The doctors said they didn't know what happened. I knew what happened. I got into her head and messed around in it. Thankfully she was okay... but... "

"So you left that night? Erik guessed.

"Yea. I drove all night. I knew about my powers since I was close to eleven but nothing like that ever happened before. I didn't want it to happen again." Erik finally looked away from me, running a hand through his hair.

"You know, I discovered my powers around eleven too." He started but paused. "You really never know how much your family means to you until they're gone."

I looked over at his distant gaze at the ground. I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, rubbing it.

"She's probably worried about me."

"Have Charles tell her you're in good hands now." He told me, regaining his smile.

"She'd probably get a little freaked out with a strange voice in her head." I joked. Erik laughed a little, wiping his face.

It was nice to see him smile. Erik Lehnsherr didn't come off as the happiest person when I met him. He was quiet, often alone. We hadn't had a lot of actual conversation but today was different. Maybe he opened up a bit because I did. We didn't talk anymore. We were both just focused on the bright, pastel colors of the sunrise. I could tell he was deep in thought but I couldn't pinpoint what.

"You know, a gift like yours can seem.." he paused. "Scary. But everyone here is going through the same thing you are. You aren't alone." Our eyes met again.

"I promise that you'll never be alone again."

"Thank you, Erik." I looked down in thought for a moment. People would be scared of me if they knew of my mutation, and thoughts of the inevitable began to arise.

"What if they come for me?" I asked him, my voice carrying more weight than I wanted it to. "For us?"

"I would protect you."

"Did you tell her about the sunrise again Erik?" Charles butted in, standing in the open doorway behind us. He was still wearing his pajamas, holding a cup of coffee if I could guess. Erik didn't respond. He got up from his spot and walked closer to the sunrise, leaning against the cement balcony.

"What made you choose Erik to mentor me?" I asked Charles since he was there.

"I didn't. He offered."

"He did?"

"Yes, in fact, he requested it. I was going to do it myself like I do the rest, but Erik said he wanted to do it instead." Charles explained. I looked up at him, then back at Erik.


"Maybe he fancies you."

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